Matthijs Otterloo

Time - An AI-powered time-tracking app

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Shaan Singh
Hi everyone, Thanks Matthijs for posting this. My name is Shaan Singh. I'm 17 and am the CEO of Blue Cocoa. Erik is 15 and works with me on development and design. We built this app with a lot in mind: 1. How it makes you feel The color-coded timers are designed to make your time glanceable. You don't need to even see the number. Green means you have a lot of time left, yellow means halfway done, and red means almost done. If you need more time, you can just drag the wave up. While using the app though, you'll notice that dragging that wave up feels bad. You don't want to do it. That's the whole idea! 2. The future Our company is devoted to exploring artificial intelligence, and we felt that consumers deserve a taste of that. As you work on your tasks, AI algorithms will give you specific suggestions about how to be more productive. This is on a per-task basis. So as you do "math homework" for a couple days, the algorithm might say "you should move this task to 4pm because you're more productive with it around that time." We believe that Time really works for becoming more productive. You can learn more by reading Matthijs' review here: Thanks! Shaan
Shashwat Pradhan
@shaandsingh that's awesome! I remember when I started making apps back when I was 18, such a fun learning experience. (Tho they were nowhere near this level of polished) Good luck with it, the design looks brilliant
Joshua Meier
@shaandsingh Awesome work! When I was 15, I built my first iOS app on the same concept -- but without the AI and much worse looking :) Keep up the good work!
Shaan Singh
@joshim5 Thanks! :)
David Keegan
@shaandsingh this is awesome! You guys should really put the App Store badge prominently on your site. I almost didn't buy it because I didn't think it was available yet, the link is hidden as a link at the bottom of the page.
Matthijs Otterloo
Last week I found out about Time. Time is an AI Powered App for your iOS Device which beats procrastination. I tested the app for a few days while in beta and found out that the colored waves really motivated me to keep going! I would definitely recommend you trying this app to get the most out of your day! Really curious what @rrhoover thinks about this 😉
Erik van der Plas
@matthijs_soest Thanks for posting, Matthijs! We've built this app to help people to achieve maximum productivity. The artificial intelligence makes suggestions on how you can improve your daily workflow and the intuitive design makes our app super easy to use. Definitely make sure to check out our website, that lists all the cool features of Time: I hope Time all helps you with your New Years resolutions! 😊 Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or feedback!
Raul Rocawabe
waiting for the mac app :)
Shaan Singh
@rrrraulsc That's on the roadmap ;)
Duygu Keskek
When will it be available on Google Play ? :/
Shaan Singh
@duygu_keskek Unfortunately, we are currently focusing only on Apple devices.
@shaandsingh @duygu_keskek Is Android on your roadmap? I see a lot of places you say that a Mac desktop app is. I completely understand that you have to focus on one of the mobile platforms for a launch, but I do hope you plan on including Android at some point. Some people cannot or prefer not to switch, and everyone deserves time tracking. Keep up the good work!
Shaan Singh
@xtoq Hi there! We have heard a lot of requests for Android via email ( So, we have begun considering Android for a future update. Thanks for the feedback, I think you'll be excited with our roadmap!
Shaan Singh
@xtoq No problem! Thanks for your interest. We will be reopening a subscription list on our website soon where we will send out updates.
Sham Jaff
Any PH coupons for a trial?
Shaan Singh
@sham_jaff Unfortunately, the Apple App Store does not allow us to give out trials. However, we kept the download price as low as we could for launch: $0.99!
Alex Circei
@shaandsingh @sham_jaff Why you didn't go freemium?
Shaan Singh
@alex_circei @sham_jaff Good question! We decided against a freemium model for two reasons: 1. Our customers get the most benefit by paying for a good app once and reaping the reward through consistent updates. We don't care about making the highest money possible or getting the highest download number possible. To us, customers who pay upfront and fall in love with the app are customers who are long-term and loyal. Does that model make us quirky? Sure, but then again, the name of our company is Blue Cocoa ;) 2. Our future roadmap involves pushing Time to new devices. We don't want to just port. We want to craft an experience that suits that device perfectly. The nature of this plan is such that we will be releasing major updates to make Time more of a platform and less of a single-device app. To us, it makes more sense to charge a customer once per major update instead of a fragmented freemium model, where customers can go from v1 pro to v2 free (which is essentially a downgrade). Of course, if we later shift our roadmap, we may also consider freemium. Thanks for the question Alex! Shaan
Fabio Bracht
@shaandsingh @alex_circei @sham_jaff I'm very impressed with how mature you guys are for "a pair of teens" (to use your own description on your website). I don't even know if I'm going to be using the app all that much, but I just bought it, and it was partially because I support this "quirky" business model of making something that's worth some amount of money and then actually charging that amount of money for it. Ugh, these quirky people, am I right? Go, Blue Cocoa!
Shaan Singh
@fabiobracht @alex_circei @sham_jaff Haha! Thanks so much, we hope the app turns out to be useful for you!
If my memory serves correctly there was a time calendar app that Google purchased couple of years ago for all its cool AI features. Is this a different app with same name?
Shaan Singh
@sridhar_kondoji This is a different app yes. I came up with the idea in the shower 2 years ago!
@sridhar_kondoji I believe you're thinking of Timeful, and the features that app included have been incorporated into the Goals feature of Google Calendar (Android and iOS because why would we update the web app?).
Braunson Yager
Looks great, went to download (by searching the app store), and your app doesn't come up anywhere FYI. I'm not sure if it's indexed yet on the search yet tho.
Shaan Singh
@braunshizzle Thanks! Yeah, Apple is still indexing the app. It should show up soon. Here's the direct link:
Shaan Singh
@braunshizzle Update: Time has been indexed! It should appear under "Time AI," "Time procrastination," or "Blue Cocoa." Thanks for being patient!
Shaan Singh
THANK YOU Product Hunt community! We are the #51 Top Paid App in the Productivity Section on the US App Store! Update: #43 Update 2: #40 ;)
Jonathan Howard
Have you tried testing your current pay-up-front model vs an IAP model where the first bit of usage is free while I experience the value of the app?
Shaan Singh
@staringispolite Hey Jonathan! Thanks for this question. I think it's extremely important. I recently gave a response to a similar one. Here's what I said: "We decided against a freemium model for two reasons: 1. Our customers get the most benefit by paying for a good app once and reaping the reward through consistent updates. We don't care about making the highest money possible or getting the highest download number possible. To us, customers who pay upfront and fall in love with the app are customers who are long-term and loyal. Does that model make us quirky? Sure, but then again, the name of our company is Blue Cocoa ;) 2. Our future roadmap involves pushing Time to new devices. We don't want to just port. We want to craft an experience that suits that device perfectly. The nature of this plan is such that we will be releasing major updates to make Time more of a platform and less of a single-device app. To us, it makes more sense to charge a customer once per major update instead of a fragmented freemium model, where customers can go from v1 pro to v2 free (which is essentially a downgrade). Of course, if we later shift our roadmap, we may also consider freemium." Thanks again for this question, and I hope you enjoy Time! Shaan
My first impulse purchase of the year. Very curious about the AI thingy. Will it make me more productive? Only time will tell (pun intended).
Erik van der Plas
@cleavatron Haha, that pun is funny! 😄 I hope you'll enjoy using Time and I hope it'll actually help you to beat procrastination!
@erikvdplas This app is brilliant! I gave it a whirl a moment ago. My acid test was "reply to lawyer email", a task I believe no one in their right minds would enjoy doing. Set it up for 5 minutes because these legal people charge by the hour. Tapped on the task to get the timer started and nothing happened (except for the countdown). Then suddenly I realised I'm running out of water. So I started to actually write the email. To my horror, the water changes color as it depletes. What was green is now orange. My reaction to that was to frantically wrap up the mail before the water turns red. Something bad is bound to happen when it turns red, right? This simple app actually made me complete a task that I have been putting off since last year (well, since Saturday to be honest). The best $0.99 I spent so far in 2017. Totally worth it.
Erik van der Plas
@cleavatron I'm glad you like it! 😊
Shaan Singh
@cleavatron @erikvdplas That's great to hear! Erik and I live for stories like this!
Arthur Undi Phiri
Great tool for motivating productivity. Very good way to track progress and weed out procrastination.
Shaan Singh
@arthurundiphiri Thanks! Glad you enjoy it!
Nick Smith
Looks super nice, and a rad idea. Can't wait for it to come to Android :)
Shaan Singh
@nicksmithr Thanks! We will look into it!
Dave Lovemartin
Great App - very simple to use +1 for a Mac App version (integrated with the iOS App)
Shaan Singh
@justan0therdave Thanks! Mac app is on our roadmap.
Saoud Rizwan
Hey your app is really neat and well designed - I'm interested in how you use AI in Time. Can you explain what you did a little more in depth?
Shaan Singh
@sdrzn Hi! Glad you like it! The AI works by tracking each task individually. Now, in general, AI thrives off two things: lots of data and lots of time to crunch it. In a personal mobile app, you have neither. So, we rely on some pretty intricate techniques to come up with useful suggestions. One interesting issue is: the AI relies on a user doing one task multiple times, so how does it know that "Work on app" is the same as "Code app?" To solve this issue, we used some interesting linguistic methods to form links across task names and types. Unfortunately, I can't go into further detail. We keep the info about our core tech under wraps. Hope I shed some light on your question though!
Leo Daniel
Is an Apple Watch version in the works? 🙏😬
Shaan Singh
@danielj1122 Yes! Very soon!
Leo Daniel
So stoked about this app! It has all the right things. One addition that would help me—Hope to see background support, too! I have reset the timers a few times whenever I venture out of the app. Otherwise, I will use this app constantly, with the experience improving when you release the watch version. Thanks for sharing this with the world! 🙌
Shaan Singh
@danielj1122 Hi Leo! Glad you like the app. Yikes, that shouldn't be happening. Time relies on a few clever tricks to keep timers updated without eating up battery by using Background App Refresh. We will be releasing a new update this week with bug fixes (including some more of those clever battery tricks). Could you send us some more information at We'd like to get this fixed for you. Thanks!
Alex Heikel
Great tool! What about a desktop or web app?
Erik van der Plas
@alexheikel Supporting other platforms is definitely on our roadmap!
Kadiska Deigratia
It looks beautiful!! I am The App QUEEN, lol, but really picky! Colours are something my mind focuses better with, and I am glad you chose these colours rather than the more usual sedate ones! I just loaded it, and I look forward to playing with it today!
Shaan Singh
@kadiskad That's fantastic! I'm glad you like the colors! We worked hard on that.
Kadiska Deigratia
Wow! I love the little details! Such as telling me what time I will be completed. I am also looking forward to the AI part, of telling me when I seem most productive. (Hmmm, between 1-4 am???)
Shaan Singh
@kadiskad Haha, I'm glad you enjoy it. The AI will kick in once you have completed a specific task a few times. The algorithms study each task individually and use linguistic recognition to figure out when two task names are referring to the same thing.
Brennen Bliss
Machine learning is the way of the future. Great work. I'm planning on giving tensorflow a try - I just need to find something interesting to use it for other than finding the differences between an apple and an orange haha
Shaan Singh
@brennenlb Yup, AI and machine learning are both huge! Major part of our focus at Blue Cocoa. Time will be seeing a big AI update eventually.