
Blokks - Manage and embed your event timetable

A nifty little tool that helps festivals and conferences create, customise and manage their schedules.

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Hello Producthunt! I'm Niek, one of the two guys that built Blokks. We're very happy and proud to be releasing this brand new version of our product. We've been in closed beta for a while, have tested with lots of early users and have been tweaking the product to get it just right. Here's a quick introduction about what Blokks is and does: When visiting a festival or conference, your timetable is a pretty crucial bit of information. It helps you find your way around an event and figure out which acts you want to see. But for event organisers, creating and managing that timetable can be a difficult and tedious job. And for developers who are working on event websites and mobile apps, it can be time consuming to build a responsive timetable from scratch. Blokks simplifies this by enabling event organisers to manage their schedule info on https://blokks.co and by offering a fully customisable schedule embed that can be added to websites and mobile apps. Also, the schedule embed has loads of cool features like easy customisation, different layout templates, saving favourite acts, notifications, seeing where your friends are going, etc. So here's how it works: — With just a few drags and drops, you can add days, stages and acts (or speakers). — The schedule can then be added to existing websites and mobile apps with a simple embed code. — This embed can be fully customised to match the event's branding. Documentation on customisation is available to help developers on their way: https://blokks.co/docs — Event visitors can access the timetable on multiple devices, save their favourite acts, get notifications when they're about to start, and see which friends are going to be there. — Blokks automatically syncs all devices when a timetable gets updated. And since mobile networks often have bad coverage on festivals, the embed works offline as well. We're very eager for all of you to try it out! The cool thing is: signing up and creating your first schedule is free. All features are available from the get go, payment is only neccesary when you want to share your schedule with the public. Use this link to get started: https://blokks.co/signup We'd love to hear your thoughts and questions!