Derek Shanahan

Blocs - Mac web design app

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Will Imholte
This product hunt post has more information than their product landing page. IE: both the product name AND a blurb about it.
Derek Shanahan
@willimholte Haaaa good call. Video is interesting:
Mike Bestvina
@willimholte it'd probably be good to follow the same rules as "Show HN"...i.e. no vaporware (beta/alpha release are OK)
Will Imholte
@dshan Yeah I know I'm being a jerk but this is the sort of stuff that irks me. Generally I don't want to watch videos to learn about things I want to read—means I can keep my music playing & skim headlines to parts I'm interested in—easily skip parts I don't care about/already understand.
Jeremy Cai
Just released today, has anyone tried it?
Mike Miello
@jjeremycai I just tried @blocsapp! Pretty quick learn and fun. I was able to produce this webpage in a couple hours
Ghost Kitty
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Mike Miello
I used Blocs 2.0 and feeling the potential. Sometimes I get a request to make a website like another one. I tried replicating a site with this tool and it didn't take much time at all. We're going to keep messing with it!
Davidvb - Ld. UI/UX
Really great tool and updates and improvements are abundant and often! I love how it puts the focus on the site you are building and only shows relevant panels and libraries when needed! A joy to work with. Blocs App, more than similar tools I've tried, has the potential to grow into something that will put front end developers out of work one day. And for certain markets it's perhaps there already!