Ryan Hoover

Blockstack Browser - A gateway to a new, decentralized internet

Blockchain technology powers this new internet. With the Blockstack Browser, you’ll be able to access people, communities, apps, and services built on the blockchain from your browser. A gateway to a new, decentralized internet.

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Ryan Hoover
Blockchain/cryptocurrency space is heating up. 🔥 Today, YC-backed Blockstack's founders, @ryaneshea and @muneeb, announced their a new browser at Consensus 2017. Great opener in their blog post: The internet is broken. It has been for a while. Even the fathers of the internet, Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Vint Cerf, say that it's broken. @albertwenger from USV wrote more about the announcement in the USV blog. Keep an eye on this space.
@rrhoover @ryaneshea @albertwenger Thanks, Ryan! We're really excited about it. Can't believe that it's been 3 years since we were at YC together and just starting off :-)
Ryan Hoover
@muneeb @ryaneshea those group office hours with @ilikevests and @qasar feel like yesterday. 😊
Ryan Shea
@muneeb @rrhoover @albertwenger Yes we had an amazing YC class and an awesome weekly meeting group. Product Hunt, Checkr, Blockstack. Top draft picks.
John Exley
Curious to hear from the founders if the Blockstack Browser is intended to protect our identities as we visit all of the web properties we currently visit on a day-to-day basis, or if their intention is for developers to reinvent many of the most popular web applications entirely, rewriting them with blockchain technology, to exist in a brand new Internet, powered by Blockstack. Thx!
@johnexley On Blockstack people can register global usernames/identity that they directly own. So not registered with any company. Then users can login to any app using their own identity without passwords. This was simply not possible before on the traditional internet; no concept of a global username and user-owned data there.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@muneeb no mobile support?
Wesley Bevins
@muneeb like Steve Gibson's SQRL?
after watching silicon valley, i thought this idea was great, and i'm glad others did too. look forward to welcoming blockstack
Adam Posey
I'm interested in whether this is as fundamentally new as it seems. Looking at your diagram, and maybe I'm reading this wrong, hosting is still centralized in a small subset of cloud services, so... What I'm seeing here is a layer on top of the internet using a different server architecture. How does this change the underlying fundamentals in the radical ways your copy promises?
S-M Robinson
@trulyadamant This is precisely my criticism. This isn't a peer to peer internet. This is a peer to amazon data center internet. Just like the one we have now. Yes, the traffic is encrypted, but...
Adam Posey
@sunoxen perhaps even more than that, it's doing nothing to reduce the fact that these cloud services are what makes this work. Isn't the entire strength of the block chain that a central node like Amazon doesn't exist? Feels like forcing the blockchain to become more like the web and less like forcing the web to become like the blockchain.
0.01 BTC to register a username? I understand that it is a developer's version but still...
Ben Tossell
Hugely interesting movement here and I wonder how long it will be until we look back and think how crazy the broken Internet has been.
Muneeb from Blockstack here. Ryan and I have been heads down building this out for the last 3-4 years with our team now. We're very excited to release the developer version of our browser that opens up our infrastructure / new decentralized internet to developers. Happy to answer any questions here.
Hmm this could replace TOR. Awesome!!!
Ryan Shea
@likalo_llc It could also integrate well with Tor. We're talking with the team.
Rob Morgan
Yet again Silicon Valley inspires innovation...
John Exley
Whoa is this an inspiring vision for the future of the Internet, or, rather, a new Internet
Nathan Windsor
Love this work, guys!
Ernest Oppetit
anyone know when the token sale will be? 😬
Branden Tolle
i dont understand... if its decentralized where are things hosted? what about DNS?
Josh Khoury
Nice idea. Like it
Mobile too or coming soon? 😃
Fabián Baptista
@ianrountree @guylepage3 great! We at Monkop want to support BSBrowser. If you like it, please give beta access to me and we will be glad to help.
Guy Lepage
@ianrountree @fbaptista Nice. Feel free to download the latest version here.. https://github.com/blockstack/bl...
Are you guys doing an ICO? Any newsletter to signup for?
Yen Reoney
I found this newest Dapps that are hosting a giveaway with CryptantCrabs from November 27th to December 7th 2018. Visit here how to join⤵️⤵️⤵️ https://dapplin.blogspot.com/201... 🔘Dapp.com 🔘https://t.me/dapp_com