Levan Katsadze

Blockman - Highlight nested code blocks

VSCode extension - Blockman. You can customize block colors, depth, turn on/off focus, curly/square/round brackets, and more...
Supports Python, Dart, Rust, Swift, R, Go, PHP, JavaScript, JSX, TypeScript, TSX, C, C#, C++, Java, HTML, CSS and more...

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Levan Katsadze
Always wanted such visual helper. It helps us to focus on code blocks more easily and quickly. Took me 6 months to build. I had to find and test parsers/tokenizers for many languages. Also I had to write complex algorithm for optimization and complex algorithm for block rendering to be flexible enough in many situations. There were many API limitations of VSCode, so I had a huge struggle finding many workarounds.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@levan_katsadze any chance you could port this to Atom?
Levan Katsadze
@chrismessina, I hope I someone or I will be able to make this plugin for other IDEs too in the near future. Currently my time is very limited unfortunately.
Kerem Zopcuk
I don’t know, it seems that it will take my attention, which is not good. Rainbow Brackets is good enough. But thanks for this extension. It gave me a new perspective.
Levan Katsadze
@kerem_zopcuk, Maybe you can try changing some colors of backgrounds and borders. Also you can just hide all backgrounds and keep borders only. Some people like that way. Just go to Blockman settings and play around with the configuration.