BlockChannel - #3 - Zooko Wilcox (ZCash) - Zero Knowledge, the Future of Privacy
Use cases for zero-knowledge proofs, and encrypted messaging
Derek Minter
BlockChannel - #4 - Joey Krug (Thiel Fellow, Augur) - Predicting the Future — Ethereum based prediction markets
Derek Minter
On this episode of BlockChannel, the boys (McKie, Dee, and Petty) sit down and chat with Joey Krug, Thiel Fellow and one of the main brains behind the Ethereum based prediction marketing, Augur. Don't know what Augur or Prediction Market's are? Come join us as we talk about Joey's vision for Augur use cases, Ethereum, and the Ethereum based eSports betting platform, If you're big into Finance or Wall St trading, this episode will likely get you salivating to give Augur a try this Summer.