Hey All, Thanks for giving BLKBOX a try. Brian and I have spent careers as musicians (Louis XIV, The Killers, Nicky Venus, Republic of Letters). We've seen the business change dramatically, but the future looks really bright for music and tech.
We built BLKBOX because we believe building a platform that connects music to our lives in a more meaningful way is the future of music. We live with music around us all day long- 6hrs per day on average. 80% of music listeners use a streaming platform. The future of music will be incorporating it into our digital lives. We've started BLKBOX with 2 features. Pair a moment of your life with your favorite song. Cross platform music sharing- We get music links sent to us all the time from various services (ex Spotify to Napster, Apple music, etc), but cannot play if we don't have that service. BLKBOX lets you send a song and not worry about that song being heard.
This is the beginning of making music social. Give it a try and let us know what we can do to make it better.
Hey @nickventi & @brian_karscig,
Thanks for making BLKBOX -- there is a problem to be solved here for sure.
I've been working with music startups trying to solve this problem for 5 years and I've found two major hurdles: 1.)Ownership issues/Royalties/Licensing and 2.) onboarding artists & fans to a new platform (chicken & egg problem always arises, especially for larger artists).
Would love to hear a little about how you guys are approaching these both!
I'm on Android, so I'm eagerly awaiting a way to test BLKBOX out and learn more.
@brian_karscig@jeff_osborn Good questions and happy to chat more about our approach. Feel free to DM and we'll find some time to chat- blkboxapp {at} gmail. com
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