Ryan Hoover

Bleep - Censor your f***ing videos


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Kevin Li
been following @codyk for a while, his product sense is on fleek. question, has your massive vine following been helping when you seed your new apps?
Cody Ko
@liveink thanks dude! yeah definitely. people tend to respond more positively to a promotional video when it's something you actually made.
Ryan Hoover
@codyk how do you attribute acquisition from your Vine following, if at all? I'm very curious to know what kind of response you get in terms of actual downloads.
Tyler Hayes
@codyk @liveink gtfo with fleek but seriously @codyk is le business
Cody Ko
@rrhoover i don't track where my installs come from. i don't really do any other promotion so i think aside from a little bit of organic growth, all my downloads come from social media (and product hunt).
Tony Tanevski
I must say I'm surprised it's actually fun! Even bleeping out non-swear words to make you look like a bad ass!
Cody Ko
@tonytanevski thanks! that was the intention I had in mind when making it 😉
Tony Tanevski
@codyk It would be great if you could hear the audio in the video while creating the bleeps ... And share buttons :)
Josh Robbins
Now all my videos can sound like Jerry Springer & Cops episodes! Brilliant!!
Ryan Hoover
A silly/fun app by @codyk and team. Simply hold your finger down to "bleep" out audio in your videos.
Steven Rushing
Love the tagline. Had to download it just because of that ;)
Franklin Ho
Sounds like a fun way to reproduce Jimmy Kimmel's unnecessary censorship sketches.
Jack Shalom
I really love this
Tried it, loved it ! Kind of a Dubsmash feel to it. I like the tagline and the logo as well. Good work @codyk