Digital lesson builder for teachers, tutors and parents.

Alexis Bardini
Websites for Kids β€” A collection of awesome and educational links for your kids
A collection of safe, educational, and fun links to share with your kids. From websites to podcasts, with topics from cooking to bitcoin. Our archive has it all!
Mustafa S.
Great curation, this could help many parents. Web is a dungeon without the lights, it is great that someone finds out the most useful bits and serves them to the most in need, children. Congrats on the launch, good luck!
Charlie Ward
Love this idea!
Camilo Parra Palacio
Great cant wait my baby is old enough to try this :D
Saki Maruyama
Great! Congratulations!
Now, this is super useful! I feel it's equivalent to FUSE(https://www.fuse.kiwi/) but high-quality content for kids.
Ru Barksfield
love this super useful!
Julius Ingemann Breitenstein
Woop woop! Been looking forward to the release of this, really wonderful product
Kim Salmi
Curated lists of information will be the future, thanks for building this πŸ‘
Zuka Kakabadze
Gret stuff guys. Sharing this tool with my community!
Alexis Bardini
Helllooo Product hunt! Alexis & Filippo here πŸ‘‹, and this time we created an awesome list of educational and insanely fun website links to share with your kids, which we will be updated and announced on our social platforms daily!! From websites to podcasts, with topics from cooking to bitcoin. Our archive has it all! Navigating good content for your kids and getting them started online is super challenging. And we thought that this would help! We hope you enjoy them πŸ™Œ Made by the team at URSOR, a safe search engine and browser for kids age 6 and up that doesn’t track them, serve them ads, or steal their data.
Huseyin Kemal Gunduzler
Love this idea!
Mario Sanchez Moreno
@alexis_bardini Congrats! and try our Hypermedialab.com to empower kids to create their interactive videos. Hope you enjoy it!
Ho Man Cheung
Nice!! Can see that will save a lot of time for my aunt searching for proper sites with her children.
Cyrienne Athena
This is amazing ! We need more like that
Sam Sampson
Love this! A great way to quickly find educational and more importantly engaging websites for my nephew!
Awesome design and product iteration!
Julian Ellerby
Carefully curated and every site genuinely inspirational - not many places you can find that online. Especially for children!
Jimmy Lyons
Great work URSOR team! Love what you have built and excited to share with my family and friends.
Mirko Lumina
Great stuff here! Thanks for your effort!