Duane Wilson✌️

The Nordic Theory of Everything - The American Dream is alive and well... in Norway

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Duane Wilson✌️
From The Atlantic "Opportunity. Freedom. Independence. These words are bound up with American identity and the American Dream. The problem is that they’re often repeated like an incantation, with little reflection on the extent to which they still ring true in America, and are still exceptionally American." "@anupartanen's new book, The Nordic Theory of Everything: In Search of a Better Life, argues that the freedom and opportunity Americans cherish are currently thriving more in Nordic countries than in the United States. (The Nordic countries comprise Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Finland.) But she also pushes back—albeit gently—against the trendy notion that Nordic countries are paradises." Interesting that so many things we create in America are exported to other countries who embrace them and do them better... down to Democracy for the People and a Government represented by the people. Rather than running around singing a chorus of "Were the greatest, etc." we should take a hard look at the things we get right and the things we get wrong, and do more of the right things (in general). Countries are Governments are like startups, sometimes you need a post-mortem and to come back with an updated business plan. Iteration is a good thing all around! Conveniently we have the trappings of a process that allows for change and the big show happens every 4 years so get out to vote people. Time to fire our leaders and not elect tiny fingered losers, cough cough :D
William O'Shea
Partanen gave a great talk at the Swedish cultural institute in NYC - lots of good (and realistic) ideas here.