Hey there,
Thanks for hunting Justin! Quang, founder and CEO of Birdly here.
Let Birdly scour the web for you to get information on anyone just by giving their email.
We originally built this bot for us. Then we had some teams of our main product (www.getbirdly.com) that liked it. So we’re now offering this bot to everyone. It’s free, built with love and useful (hopefully) 😃
I use it maybe 5-10 times a day. My two main use cases are :
- When a new team is onboarded in Birdly, I’m curious about what is the company doing
- Before a meeting, I like to have a quick refresher on the person I’m meeting
For those who already have the Birdly bot, you can already use it. It’s one and single bot (type help to see other things the bot can do for you).
@qhoang09 Hey Quang!
Great to see another good use case implemented in Birdly!
We are developing statsbot.co. Do you mind to discuss bots, some growth hacks via Skype call?
Probably one of my favourite teams lately. Birdly shifting from a SaaS product to a Slack integration was brilliant, if daring, and it feels like every week there's something new to add to that functionality. This Insights feature popping up was timely, and we're using it pretty much constantly as we prep our beta for public release.
As an aside, congrats on the ops momentum you and the team have. Of all the NUMA alumni, I think I'm most impressed with the transparency and speed at which you all work. Inspiring for all of us at Corilla. Thank you!
looks great and useful but what would the advantages be for those who are already using something like clearbit connect or rapportive chrome extensions?.... that being said I am following your teams progress very closely :)
Hey guys, awesome to introduce this into Slack, will give it a go... FYI the landing page is giving me an error after signup "Oups. We had an issue... Please start the signup process over again."
@roybahat Hey Roy! It seems that you have not entered a correct username when signing up. You are supposed to type your own username in your own Slack team so that we know who to notify once the bot enters the team. If you still have the issue, feel free to contact me directly: jb@getbirdly.com. :)
@scomopolitan Hey there, sorry for that. Concerning the no-result, it happens from time to time. We'll hide the N/A fields when we don't have the information. Concerning the double message sent, it's a bug we're currently working on:) Thanks for the note!
I used it a handful of time to reference our users in Slack. It's a quick and easy way to access information I'd otherwise have to open a new tab, go to a CRM or Stripe, search, and lookup relevant information. I'd love to use it for customer support, but too bad we don't use https://smooch.io/slack/. Anyone has experience with https://smooch.io/slack/ + Birdly?
I think something has messed up for me :<
Whenever I try to use 'infos' or just say hi to try and get a response, nothing happens. The bot is marked as offline, so I don't know if the API might have messed up for me disabling the bot a while back.
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