Danny McCarthy

Birch - Organized photo notes - Notes, for visual individuals

If you take a lot of “reference” pics of things as reminders for later, Birch can make that part of your life a bit simpler! Just snap a photo, add hashtags, and that's it! Create photo notes in seconds and find them lighting fast when you need them later.

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Danny McCarthy
Hey folks, Danny McCarthy here. Incredibly proud and excited to announce the launch of Reclipse Studios and our first app, Birch! We've got some great new features already in the works for Birch, plus a lineup of other consumer productivity type apps we'll be publishing this year, to help make some of the other tedious things in our day-to-day lives a bit easier! Let me know if you have any questions, and would love any and all feedback... definitely the good, but especially the criticism! That's the only way this stuff gets good!
Nataliia Sloboziian
@sirdanielmac nice and slick design! will definitely give it a try. The only question that came to my mind: how is it different from folders in gallery? Thank you Danny for this product!
Danny McCarthy
@natalia_sloboziian Thanks, Nataliia! Main differences are in the UX and how much easier + faster it is to organize these photo notes with hashtags. The default flow of having to create folders or albums and adding photos to them is just way too clunky for spur of the moment photo notes that need to get documented fast. The hashtags are also more flexible. A single photo would have to live in a single folder, but a single photo in Birch can be bucketed into as many hashtags as you want. Example: If you snap a pic of a receipt, you can tag it #receipts #food #finance, and be able to find it in any of those buckets. Thanks again for checking it out and for the kind words about the design!
Danny McCarthy
@natalia_sloboziian Also want to add that it's a nice bonus to get these note photos out of your actual photo albums. Your photo albums should be for your beautiful memories, not cluttered with visual notes :)
Jenna McCarthy
Super easy to use and practical for organizing bills/travel document/ recipes I want to remember for later. I just recycled a whole basket of mail that’s been on my desk for a year because I was able to add all the photos to birch and get that clutter out of my life. Amazing app.
Steve Masterson
Been playing around with this for about a week, and it's brilliant. My phone's photo album has become a jumble of life photos (read: my dog) that I WANT to show people, interspersed with dozens of "reference" photos (as Danny aptly put it) of whiteboards, slides, sticky notes, random inspirational ideas etc. that only I care about - they all get buried and have cluttered up my entire photo album (honestly, Apple's folders have zero organization and are a massive pain to use). Getting all those photos OUT of my album and into Birch has 1) made it so much easier to find and browse my reference photos, and 2) has liberated my photo gallery. Definitely recommend giving this a shot, and can't wait to see how it evolves.
Kristen Shomer
I absolutely would!! I thought I was the only one who took pics to remind themselves of things 🤔🤫😂 @babybottlegenie @kristenshomer
Jordy Madueño
Totally identified with taking pics in shops. Well, most of the people I know take pics as notes so I have to tell them about this app too.
C Rof
Too bad it is only for apple aficionados.
Very nice design. However, very close to Bear Writer app. I like the way Birch is handling tags. Personally I am using shortcutapp.io Shortcut has docu scanner, folders and sub-folders and also weblinks can be saved.
Ron Smith
Anybody know where the photos are saved within the App? Gallery or Birch Servers?
Danny McCarthy
@ron_smith99 Hey Ron, just saw this. Privacy was a big area of focus while developing Birch, so there are no Birch servers and your data is totally private. Photo notes are stored locally in the devices file system. The cloud backup and syncing that happens with the Pro upgrade was able to be configured to use each user's private iCloud database, which only they have access to.