Filip P

Billionaire Books - A directory of books written by billionaires.

A catalog of books written by billionaires throughout history, including information about their successes, failures, learnings, advice, and much, much more.

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Filip P
Hey Product Hunt! I started learning how to code with python/django ~4 months ago. While my goal is to be able to develop and contribute to larger projects, I set out to create a couple of fun projects as I learn the ropes. This is my second project that I have launched now! I was listening to a podcast called "My First Million" one day where they were talking about books written by successful people which peaked my curiosity. I thought, many of us will never get the opportunity to talk to a billionaire, so wouldn't it be cool to learn more from them through their writing? As I google'd "Billionaire Books" nothing interesting popped up (just a bunch of mediocre top-10 lists)... which gave me this idea! There are surprisingly not THAT many books that fit the bill out there, though at the same time there are several billionaires (e.g. Richard Branson, Donald Trump) who have published quite a few books. I've done my best to compile as many books as possible and hope to continue adding to the list overtime. The books are all filtered in order of rating, and you will notice you have the flexibility to filter on specific authors or even filter for authors who amassed more than X billions of dollars. I hope you enjoy the site, let me know if you have any features or improvements you'd like to see in the future!