Jonathan Howard

Internet Archive: Handheld History - Old school handheld game consoles, fully emulated

Archive of handheld games. In 1976, Mattel introduced the first handheld electronic game with the release of Auto Race. Later, several companies—including Coleco and Milton Bradley—made their own single-game, lightweight table-top or handheld electronic game devices. The oldest true handheld game console with interchangeable cartridges is the Milton Bradley Microvision in 1979.

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Femke Naeher
Every gamer need to have it
Benny Rasmussen
Jonathan Howard
I didn’t remember these until I saw all the photos in their homepage, then so much nostalgia rushed back. I definitely owned a few of those Tiger Electronics handhelds. I think my go-to was Ninja Turtles? So excited that MAME and Internet Archive are preserving these online
Jared Epicpower
This is pretty great!
<3 <3 <3