Dynamic Pricing Tool for Airbnb & VRBO
Jonno Riekwel

Beyond Pricing — Automatic Pricing for your Airbnb


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Anuj Adhiya
@ianmchenry I added Beyond Pricing to my curation of great products/services that Airbnb hosts should know about: http://www.producthunt.com/tech/.... (see the "Managing Pricing" section). Cheers!
Ian McHenry
@anujadhiya Thanks! If you want to add some more to your list of folks to help you manage your property, check out all of our partners: https://beyondpricing.com/about/...
Michael Brandt
@ianmchenry Hi Ian - how does Beyond Pricing make money?
Ian McHenry
@bdm_tastemakers we are free during beta but will start charging a low monthly rate per property in the coming month after a free two month trial, so users can see the value before paying.
Michael Brandt
@ianmchenry That makes sense. Big fan of the product!
Ian McHenry
It's great to be included on the best travel apps list. Amazing how much the community has grown since we launched in June. Great work @rrhoover !
Jonno Riekwel
Launching soon!
Looks great. Seems worth it.
Ryan Hoover
Smart but I wonder how it works. Combine this with SuperHost (cc @iamkoby) to manage your Airbnb and you're set. :)
Bernat Fages
Surge pricing as a service, brilliant! I assume it gets more powerful and accurate as more people link their Airbnb account to this service (crowdsourcing data?).
Gozde Aksay
Since they already require a customer's Airbnb credentials, it probably is easy to use that to search and scrape nearby listings and provide meaningful evaluation from day 1.
Andy Keil
Pretty annoying that they didn't mention they're not live in all cities until after I signed up and connected my account. Just says "pricing is not available in Austin" http://cl.ly/image/3z3y203e2S1V There's also no way for me to disconnect and/or delete my account with them.
Jack Smith
http://www.producthunt.com/posts... do this as part of their offerings; but I like how these guys have spun out the 'feature' as a separate service. It makes more sense to me. It will be interesting to see how they price this though.
Ian McHenry
@alwaysunday - thanks for pointing that out. We should be launching Austin in a few weeks. We don't start pricing until you've reviewed your prices. However, if you really want us to completely delete your account, just shoot me an email: Ian at beyondpricing
Lukas Ault

They've essentially taken the dynamic pricing algorithms that the Uber's of the world use in their apps and applied them to the short-term rental space. The value to cost ratio in unparalleled at 1% fees. Highly recommend on product alone but the team is also very responsive and accommodating, overall great experience so far. As more users join and more data is leveraged, the offering will only improve. Hoping that as an early adopter, I can lock in pricing before these guys get bigger.


Easy to use, significant additional revenue, great team / support


Office is sketchy


I wish they gave me more control over my pricing.


None for that price!


Too expensive

The prices don't go high enough for major events in my area