Save 2 hrs daily by making social media less addictive
Kevin William David

BeTimeful 2.0 — Save 2 hrs daily by making your social media less addictive

BeTimeful removes the distracting elements from social media + YouTube so you can stay connected, not distracted!
Join 1000s of users from all over the 🌎 using BeTimeful to do more in less time. Available on Safari, Mobile coming soon!
Anna Filou
“Does this only work with chrome broswer? BeTimeful works on every browser!” But on the website there only an “Add to Chrome” button. 😅 I see there’s a macOS app as well, and I suppose that’s the Safari extension. But no Firefox?
Daniyal Dehleh
@anna_0x Correct, on every browser except firefox :D Mobile coming soon!
Anna Filou
@daniyal_dehleh please add Firefox too! Or at least (until then) don’t say it “works on every browser” ;)
Samuel Stroschein
@daniyal_dehleh Three questions: 1. Why does the Chrome extension need to read the browser history. 2. Why does the Chrome extension need my email address? 3. Why do I need to create an account for the mobile app?
Naveed Rehman
Very much needed! Congratulations on the launch :)