Michael Raven

Betify - Challenge yourself, your friends or the world


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Samuel Huber
Hi @eriktorenberg, 1) I built this out of a personal need, sounds cliché but it's true. During Soccer European Championship in 2012 I couldn't find a way to make custom bets with my friends who were away, so I decided to mock something up. It then evolved (a lot) to become Betify. 2) We are solving an engagement problem. Through research we found out that 90% of brands' fans and followers are inactive online. They don’t like, comment or share the posts. The main reason is because they have no incentive to get involved. With Betify we provide them fun, fresh content and rewards to maximise their interaction with the brand. 3) We monetize businesses by up-selling our analytics and acquisition tools. We monetize users with in app purchases (helps you progress quicker in the app). Hope that is useful :)
Michael Raven
Awesome app, loads of fun and a beautiful UI.
Intriguing option to consider if you're looking for a gamification tool to add to your brand marketing strategy. http://www.b2b.getbetify.com
Samuel Huber
@techtidbitsme Thanks! Some businesses initially struggle to see how gamification works in Betify, but they get there in the end!
Reuben Metcalfe
Who's the demo, here?
Samuel Huber
Thanks for upvoting guys! I am the founder of @getBetify. Feel free to ask whatever you want to know!
Erik Torenberg
@samhuber 1) why'd you build this? 2) what problem do you feel you are solving? 3) how are you going to monetize?
Michelle McCormack
@samhuber when are you going live?
Damien Detcherry
@samhuber Have you ever heard of @onefeat? They used to do something very similar a few years ago. However they seemed to have pivoted into a mobile agency since: http://www.onefeat.co/
Samuel Huber
@detcherry nope never heard of them, thanks. Not sure why they pivoted, but at Betify we are focussed on building a community. We don't want to be just another tool :)
Damien Detcherry
@samhuber If you're in SF, I think that'd be good if you can contact them. They were 100% community focused and certainly have a lot of lessons learned to share.
Samuel Huber
@detcherry actually I'm travelling to SF in 2 days. Good call, I will try to get hold of them. I know a few of these apps struggled with user retention. Or to be more specific with users "frequency of challenge creation", so that might have been the issue. But we have concrete plans to get over that ;) Thanks!