@perpetuous Great question. This site is focusing on showcasing designers' personal websites themselves instead of particular projects or screens. I think it can be particular useful for designers who are preparing their portfolio site for jobs.
It's very similar to Behance, although it's not that user friendly. I would like more to have everything visible from the app without having to visit other websites. Currently, it only seems to be a directory pointing out to other pages.
I love focused galleries like these, especially those that carve out a new niche. I'm sure many designers will benefit from this inspiration! Would love to know who's behind the selection process and for the ability to submit new portfolios
interesting, are these mainly for site inspiration or project inspiration... many WP themes on here, which isn't bad depending on what your trying to database. maybe it doesn't matter. cool idea!
How is it different from Behance? Also, I would suggest providing quick view for the work rather than redirecting to the website would make the flow intuitive.
Mostly generated grids. If you pick up by work it might make sense but I don't see how those are "best portfolio websites". You could make a snapshot of a dribbble page of a good designer with the same success.
Bestfolios is the best place to find inspiration! It really helped me out in past 2 weeks when I started building my own website portfolio. Great work!
Excellent collection of portfolios and case studies. I use it to teach portfolio prep to students and as a hiring manager wish more product design applicants would follow good examples.
Don't understand the comparisons to Behance. It's not a platform for your work, it's a reference resource for looking at portfolios. It would take a lot of sifting to get the benefit you can quickly absorb on Bestfolios on Behance.
The layout is a little overwhelming and lacks hierarchy. It's hard to know where to start. Some kind of guidance for new users, especially students, would be great.
Great resource, product design focus, best practices, useful for job seekers.
Trade For Design
Vendr Bids
Strange House Resources
Excellent collection of portfolios and case studies. I use it to teach portfolio prep to students and as a hiring manager wish more product design applicants would follow good examples. Don't understand the comparisons to Behance. It's not a platform for your work, it's a reference resource for looking at portfolios. It would take a lot of sifting to get the benefit you can quickly absorb on Bestfolios on Behance. The layout is a little overwhelming and lacks hierarchy. It's hard to know where to start. Some kind of guidance for new users, especially students, would be great.
Pros:Great resource, product design focus, best practices, useful for job seekers.
Cons:Layout overwhelming, unclear hierarchy.