Kevin William David

Best Vendor Awards 2018 - The top-rated software vendors of the year

A new awards ceremony recognizing the top-rated software vendors of the year. The winner for each category is determined as the vendor with the highest NPS out of the 3 vendors with the most votes in the category. Eligible voters are those who have signed up for Siftery with a valid company/corporate email address (e.g. not Gmail).

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Gerry Giacoman Colyer
At Siftery, we’ve seen hundreds of thousands of thumbs up/down reviews for the more than 41k software solutions in our database. These reviews have come from over 65,000 individuals at over 20,000 companies. 

With BestVendor, we tallied up the votes decided to have some fun by creating a new Awards Ceremony recognize the very best software vendors (as voted by the community - methodology here) across 53 categories.
 There are many vendors out there, and we want to recognize the most outstanding ones who are making a difference every day in their user's lives. Congrats to all the winners! 🏆 What do you think of the list? Has your favorite been snubbed like Beyoncé (anytime she doesn't win) or The Shawshank Redemption (for the 1994 Oscars) 🤷? Please join the Siftery community, vote for your favorites, and help the best vendor win in the next edition!
Thomas Sugar
When will the winners be announced?
link broken, now is 2019,