An action-RPG w/ a nifty art design and an amusing narrator
Anton Troynikov

Transistor — A beautiful cyberpunk action RPG

Jacob Hobbie
One of the few games in the world that has surpassed my love for The Legend of Zelda. Beautiful soundtrack, artwork, and a story that takes my breath away. The upgrade system is really good for custom gameplay too. Very few complaints.
Tim Doyle
I loved Bastion, but this game just didn't do it for me. Granted, I only logged about 3-4 hours or so and perhaps more is necessary to truly see it's scope. I wanted to like it so bad, but felt the combat was a bit dull.
Anton Troynikov
Transistor's story, art and soundtrack, as well as the brilliant action mechanics and modular upgrade system put this title in my top 10 favourites of all time.
Russ Frushtick
@atroyn Love the art and the music in this game!
Dave Chenell
I love this game, one of my favs. Bastion too. Supergiant games is amazing.
Artistically, it looks beautiful.