Josh Pigford

Open Benchmarks - Live SaaS metric benchmarks from over 600 companies

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Josh Pigford
Back in 2014, when I made the risky move of publicizing our entire revenue dashboard, I had no idea what I was getting myself in to. I just knew that information was something that, selfishly, I wanted access to as a new business. I wanted to break down the “Yeah bro! Hockey stick growth!” mentality that was so prevalent in startup culture. Of course, I wasn’t the only (or even first) company to make transparency a part of our company culture. Folks like Buffer and Groove had been doing it for quite a while. I wanted to keep that momentum going. As a company, we worked to help other businesses do the same with Open Startups. Now, we’re taking the next big step with Open Benchmarks.
Walter Chen
very cool, josh! what were some of the biggest surprises from the data?
Josh Pigford
@smalter How painfully average most startups are. You always read about huge success or huge failure stories...but the fact is, 99% of companies don't operate in either of those spheres. Most startups are struggling with at least some part of their business.
This is awesome, Josh! I love your commitment to transparency and making data (that was previously not accessible in any way) available like this.
Josh Pigford
@adii Thank ya sir! 🎉
Laura Roeder
Very interesting - the churn numbers are much higher than what is normally published, but these baremetrics numbers are much closer to what I hear talking to SMB SaaS founders
Christopher Gimmer
This is awesome Josh. Nice to be able to compare ourselves against startups that aren't in hyper growth mode.
Josh Pigford
@cgimmer Amen to that! Thanks Christopher!
Paul Watson
Fascinating and useful, I find the numbers reassuring, that it's not about the huge successes and with work I can achieve them. Would love tooltips on all the acronyms though, e.g. the Quick Ratio is useful.
Josh Pigford
@paulmwatson On point! And thanks for the feedback about the acronyms. :)
Pierre Lechelle
Great initiative Josh! I see so many companies struggling to know where they stand. I'll have a better answer from now on. Thanks for sharing!
Josh Pigford
@pierrelechelle Thanks so much, Pierre! 🙌
Michael Benson
Thanks for sharing, Josh! Really interesting and helpful data. I feel like the average number of plans per company is high (the average sits at 10). Does this data point include private backend packages like coupon rates, one month free, etc...? I'm assuming so, but figured I would check. Thanks!
Josh Pigford
@mike_benson It does indeed include plans that may not be preset on a company's pricing page!
Kevin Pereira
Love it, and love Baremetrics! We learn a lot about our company using BM and also now using their dunning feature which was stupid easy to set up. Thanks a lot for an awesome product and great support Josh and team!
Josh Pigford
@kevin_pereira Really appreciate the kind words and the Baremetrics support, Kevin! You guys are great! 👍
Omar Gabr
That's awesome Josh! Super useful :)
Josh Pigford
@okgabr Thanks so much, Omar!
John Meese
Ahhh, yes. This is where Baremetrics becomes a platform that everyone can use and benefit from, not just from the data of their own SaaS and those who choose to share openly. This brings aggregated data where everyone can learn.
Josh Pigford
@johnrmeese Spot on, John!
Åke Brattberg 🇸🇪🔔
So good! Love it! Big up yourselves!
Josh Pigford
@akebrattberg Thanks a ton!
Tom Blue
@shpigford This is awesome. We loved our trial of BareMetrics and will be buying soon. Question on these benchmarks. When you see revenue churn of 8.1% and revenue growth of 12.4%. Is that per month?
Josh Pigford
@tomblue Great to hear, Tom! And yes, that's monthly.
Kyle Richey
Wow, what an awesome resource, thanks @shpigford! I'm surprised at the churn, and that only 31% have a free plan, but I'm most surprised that MRR is higher for services charging Under $10 than the ones charging $10-$25 and even $25-$50! As someone in B2C SaaS, that's encouraging. :)
Josh Pigford
@imakestrides Thanks Kyle! And yes, so. much. surprising. :)
Felix Web
Great stuff Josh! You provide lots of helpful content for startups. keep it up.