Josh Pigford

Baremetrics for Braintree and Recurly - Subscription analytics and insights for Braintree & Recurly

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Josh Pigford
Today we’re launching the biggest update in Baremetrics history: we’re expanding our platform to support Braintree and Recurly, in addition to the Stripe support we’ve always had (with more data sources on the way!). Our mission is to equip businesses with the tools they need to grow. By providing tools, insights and education with minimal effort on the business's part, the barrier to making actionable business decisions is lowered dramatically. Everything we do is driven by this mission. Everything we do needs to positively answer the question, "Does this help businesses grow?" And that mission shouldn’t be limited by data source or business model. That’s really the impetus for our expansion. I’m seriously giddy about getting to meet and help out so many new (to us) businesses! Sign up for a free trial today. And if you have any questions, whether it’s about Baremetrics, business in general or just want to talk about life, please reach out!
Walter Chen
@shpigford congrats!
Fred Rivett
@shpigford Great to see this go live Josh (and team). Baremetrics is one of those products I admire, it's great to see you expanding out here. All the best with it!
Marcos Ortiz
@shpigford wow, this is amazing. Braintree is moving a lot of money right now, so it proves the maturity of your product, Josh. Congrats to the awesome crew of Baremetrics.
Josh Pigford
@fredrivett Thanks so much, Fred!
Josh Pigford
@marcosluis2186 Much appreciated, Marcos!
Nathan Barry
This is huge Josh! Congratulations to you and your team!
Josh Pigford
@nathanbarry Thanks Nathan! 🙌
And paypal?? I think is a must!
James Gill
For months (years?) we've wanted to use Baremetrics for our business metrics, but haven't been able to because of our use of Recurly. Now it's possible – IT'S POSSIBLE! This is so exciting, I can't wait to give it a go. Awesome work Josh and team!
Josh Pigford
@jamesjgill Yay humans! 📈🚀💥
Jay McCauley
Congrats @shpigford ! What was the decision process that led you to start with Braintree and Recurly?
Josh Pigford
@mccauley_jay Thanks Jay! Ultimately comes down to helping more businesses...that's our mission and expanding to other data sources gives us access to many more businesses that we can help!
Max Lynch
Congrats on the release! We love baremetrics at Ionic ❤️
Josh Pigford
@maxlynch Thanks Max! You guys are the best!
Tyler van der Hoeven
@maxlynch Huge fan of Ionic! You guys are largely, though indirectly, what got me a job @Baremetrics.
John Meese
Excited about this update. Opens the door to many future Baremetrics uses! @shpigford do you have plans to incorporate other payment processing platforms in the future? I know PayPal is in beta, but what about Gumroad or others?
Josh Pigford
@johnrmeese Thanks John! PayPal & Chargify are in the immediate works. Others are based, in part, on demand. Will make a note about Gumroad support!
Jamie Druitt
Love this product - We've been using Baremetrics for a few months and it's simplified our lives immensely
Josh Pigford
@thejdexpress Thanks so much, Jamie!
✎ Andrew Warner
Wow @shpigford. I've seen you reject the idea of going beyond Stripe. What changed your mind? Why are you ready now?
Josh Pigford
@andrewwarner The product (and us as a business) have matured a lot to the point where I believe we're better equipped to help more businesses. And on a higher level we just *want* to help more businesses. That's ultimately where our passion lies and so we made the decision to expand so we could in face help *more* businesses.
Hussein shtia
Nice products
Kalina Zografska
Congrats, expanding the to where market is seems like the right way to go!
Alper Cakir
Congrats guys!
Ryan Kulp
Big fan guys, and not even a user (yet). Congrats on the major release!
Josh Pigford
@ryanckulp Thanks so much, Ryan! 🎉
Lee Turvey
Quality product.
Josh Pigford
@lee_turvey Thanks buddy! 🙌
Martin Henk
Finally! :) Been asking them for Recurly support for a while now. Congrats!
Josh Pigford
@henkmrtn Thanks Martin! Glad we're able to help you guys out now. 🙂
Christopher Gimmer
Congrats on the update @shpigford. I've been a happy Baremetrics customer for several months now.
Marc Hoag
We shouldn't even be spending money on BareMetrics right now, but we're still paying for it because it's that awesome. Seriously.
PK Fields
I just set up the API with Braintree without the help of a developer and I am not a techie. Thank you the walk through was super easy. One question, when I set it up it I used the same email address that I already use on Braintree, is that a problem?
David Lee
Baremetrics is Shakr's CFOaaS. Love it. There is one thing we need from you guys, though! Manual transactions. We need to import them! CSV, Google Docs, a web form, an API integration... anything would be super appreciated.
Pierce Ujjainwalla
As a founder, I could not run my business without Baremetrics. Having built dashboards with many different tools before, I can easily say that even with unlimited budget and any tool you wanted I think you would be hard pressed to build a better dashboard for a SaaS business than what Baremetrics provides with the click of a button. And given that for most SaaS businesses 'unlimited budget' is the opposite of what they have, this is an incredible value. Dunning also helps you setup a best-in-class system to get money from customers who's credit cards are problematic, so it not only helps you keep an eye on the pulse of your business, but also makes you money too!