Meng Ru Kuok

CatLab - A beat maker for cool cats

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Meng Ru Kuok
Hi there, I'm the CEO and co-founder of CatLab, the music collaboration platform formerly known as BandLab. We’ve heard for so many years about the music industry going to the dogs, so that actually got us thinking about what people actually do to engage with others in the digital space. And the answer, of course, is cats! Through our research, we found that there was a whole feline digital ecosystem out there that’s as yet untapped from a musical point of view. We’ve done some exhaustive research into this new area, and we can conclusively say that people may take their dogs to the park, but they take their cats to the web. In recognition of the importance of cats to all things web-based, our newly-revised web app will now feature the “Catmosphere Pad”, where you can create beats using cat-based sounds through your browser. There’s also a whole new area of curated content where this new cat-egory of musical collaborations will be displayed for all to discover! Our only regret as a team is that Keyboard Cat, the internet sensation who started it all is not here to witness the ultimate expression of what he started all those years ago... We hope you're as excited by the future of Cat Audio as we are, and as usual, I'll be here to answer any questions as necessary! :) Meow!
Stepan Goncharow
@mrkuok How many cats in your company?
Nate Smith
I like the cat tail by the footer. It's details like this that make it so puuuurfect
Marek Hrabe
My plush kittens love this! 😻 (and me too… I'm guilty as charged) With this app, Logic Pro now seems really obsolete. I wonder what is Apple going to do about it…
Steve Skillings
I remember the "EURIKA" moment ... that time where we dreamed of CatLab, but it seemed like an impawsable dream. But, thanks to a lot of hard work (and catnip) it's finally real. Mewsic to my ears. Keep dreaming and someday you too can bow down to the overlords ... I mean ... live the dream of making products for people that service the global Central Auditory Tallying Service we all know and love. \m/
Lyle McKeany
I just quit my job. I'm a DJ now. Thanks CatLab!!
Adam Rogan
Cool For Cats
Max R.
Simply adorable. The neighbor cat will be happy.