Bhawani Garg

Backlink Tool - A backlink tool to index your links quickly and freely.

Backlink Tool will help you index your url links and send it to Google safely and securely for free.
No need to use illegal and black hat methods.
Here we use a method that is in accordance with the SEO and white hat method.

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Tried this tool during beta testing believe me it was a great experience.
Gireesh Likhyani
Early Beta Tester here - Loved it. Does what it says!
Irfaq Syed ⚡️
Love these single feature focused tools that do their job well. Just added to my SEO Tools collection.
Avia Chen
Looks great. Is it any worthy if your pages are already indexed?
@avia_chen Following, also may this damage the current ranking?
Bhawani Garg
@stefano_marchetti Don't worry we don't use any black hat method. It is 100% safe.
Arbab Usmani
this is amazing tool, do all the job very perfectly :) loved it
Tapish Jain
amazing so well :)
Sreekant Shenoy
This is just great!
Rajesh Arya
Tried this tool for one of my project and its worked like charm :) Very impressive
Seems cool, does this do anything different to the Google console crawler?
Bhawani Garg
@rah1 This tool have 3 stage of crawling your links.
Dilip Sharma
Awesome, easy and simple tool. And founder have a great history in development too!
Daryll Wong
I can see this as an amazing tool for rapid product marketers and advertisers
Juan Carlos Olamendy
Looks like a great tool. I have a question. What's the concept here? Let's suppose that I post an article in my blog, so will this tool notify Google that my article exists? Similar to a sitemap. Will this tool help me find other pages willing link back to my post?
Bhawani Garg
@juancolamendy Yes this tool will help your article to index on google.
Jarvis Sutton
Fantastic concept!
Max Prilutskiy
Congrats on the launch! 💯
what is the method you use?
Leslie Kennedy
You Go the Extra Mile
Michael Soto
Great Discovery
Great idea, I'm upvoting! 🤩 also, check out our product isLucid
Steve Caste
Looks great :-)
Adam Kane