Lucas Gordon

Babel - Import your Spotify playlists to Apple Music

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Lucas Gordon
Hey Hunters! I've been working on Babel for a couple of months now, it's my first product in a while so I'm excited to hear what you all think! There are a few similar solutions out there, but nothing really fit my requirements in terms of ease of use and lack of unwanted side effects such as adding all playlist tracks to my music collection. I like the idea of music collection portability, I know this would've made my transition to Apple Music a lot smoother and more enjoyable. I hope it's useful for you guys, let me know your thoughts and what other services you'd like to see added!
Gary Tokman
Why would you want to switch from Spotify to Apple music?
Lucas Gordon
@garytokman I decided to move because a bunch of music I liked was pulled from Spotify, and was available on Apple Music. Since using it I've discovered a lot of new music in the 'For You' section so I'm pretty happy so far!
Marshall Preddy
@garytokman For me, it's the most seamless way to merge my collection of mp3s with the option of streaming new music. For example, I can buy Beyonce's new record and stream it along with the rest of my collection, no matter which device I'm on. I can also upload and stream my entire mp3 collection from any device, even if those songs are not otherwise available to stream.
Mario Gomez-Hall
Does this only import songs that are in playlists, or does it import your Spotify "Saves" as well?
Lucas Gordon
@nadomars hey Mario, currently it just imports playlists, including 'Starred' tracks, but I can certainly add saved tracks in the next update
Mario Gomez-Hall
@lucasjgordon please do! I will definitely buy it then. How are you guys doing this? Since Apple Music doesn't have ISRC codes, are you just checking metadata? How do you deal with inconsistencies between the libraries? E.g. a dash in the Beatles collection on Spotify vs. a colon on Apple Music.
Lucas Gordon
@nadomars currently the best method I can find is to do a search of the iTunes API with the track title and artist. This does mean that some songs aren't returned that either aren't found, or aren't on Apple Music. And there can be issues with different versions of tracks as you mentioned, which is something I'm working to improve. I'm not sure if this is perhaps something that can be achieved with The Echo Nest, I'll have to investigate further. My first goal is to ensure that client is stable, as there have been a couple of teething issues today which is a shame. Then I'll spend time fine-tuning the backend to ensure the best possible matches. I'll keep you posted, thank you for checking it out!
Charlie Sneath
@lucasjgordon let us know when you're up and running again! a potential use case is to move Discover Weekly playlists over to Apple Music every Monday ;)
Lucas Gordon
@charliesneath I will do Charlie! You're right, I hadn't thought of that. Would it be useful to include the option to have a push notification every Monday to remind you to save your Discover Weekly playlist?
Charlie Sneath
@lucasjgordon that would be awesome! and a swipe-able notification to start the transfer from the lock screen would be the cherry on top ;)
Lucas Gordon
@charliesneath wouldn't it just! I'll add it to the roadmap, keep your eyes peeled!
Keith Tomlinson
Nice idea but bit late to the party. Already using Stamp.
Lucas Gordon
@keith1974 Stamp looks pretty good, but I felt it cost too much and having all tracks added to my collection instead of just to the playlists I'm importing is frustrating.
Michał Hernas
@lucasjgordon @keith1974 I wonder how you save to playlists only, we took many different angles on this issue but native SDK from Apple iCouldLib simply does not work. We reported it to Apple and we are waiting for response. :) However, we are soon releasing Android plus this month we will be featured on Discovery Channel :) I wish you the best, more competitors give us power to work harder on the apps!
Lucas Gordon
@michalhernas yah I managed to get it working in the end. That sounds great, best of luck!
Michał Hernas
@lucasjgordon Wanna share details? :)
Zach Cmiel
Hey @lucasjgordon! Congrats on the launch! The app looks really good. I am also developing an iOS app using Spotify's SDK. I noticed that you have album artwork in your app screenshots. I have been getting my app rejected because of album artwork in my screenshots. Did you have to provide any rights or information saying that you have the legal right to use Spotify's content (album covers) in your app to Apple?
Lucas Gordon
@zach_cmiel hey Zach, that wasn't flagged for me, not sure why but it hasn't been a problem
Alex Simpson
This app is a great idea, and something I've been looking at for a long time. The real problem is it's so incredibly buggy it's basically unusable. Had to re-install as it would find the playlists but stop loading the track lists, now can't even get it to connect to Spotify. I think you might have needed to test it a bit more before release!
Lucas Gordon
@simoalx I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble! I've taken a look and the problem is with the API, it's experiencing quite a bit of traffic and isn't handling the load particularly well. I'll look into it, once the API is back up and running the app should work fine :)
Lucas Gordon
@taybenlor it should all be back up and running now, sorry for the downtime!
Ben Taylor
@lucasjgordon yeah I think theres still something going on ( but happy to wait until tomorrow
Lucas Gordon
@taybenlor thanks for the video, that helps a lot. I'm so sorry it isn't working out for you, I'll look into the problem and get it fixed as soon as possible.
Lucas Gordon
@miguelkatz I'll post here when I have a fix, in the meantime I can only suggest that you clear cookies as it could be related to Safari
Samuel Spisiak
@lucasjgordon hi lucas, after opening app and authentication on spotify side im stuck with this
Lucas Gordon
@samuelspisiak hey Samuel, a few users have reported this and I'm looking into it. In the meantime you may be able to get it working by clearing cookies, otherwise hang tight and there'll be an update out soon!
James Pearson
Unfortunately the app isn't working right now, and doesn't give you any error message or notice. If this were Android I'd have pressed for a refund right away.
Lucas Gordon
@fearmediocrity hey James, I'm working on a fix at the moment, sorry for the issues you're experiencing! You can totally get a refund if you're not satisfied!
James Pearson
@lucasjgordon I'm sure it will be worth the wait. Like you, I looked at Stamp and through the price point was too high. If there is anything I can do to help let me know :)
Lucas Gordon
@fearmediocrity thanks a lot, I appreciate it 😊 I'll drop you a message when it's back up and running!
James Pearson
@lucasjgordon Update: Tried again this morning and the app worked perfectly. I have my playlists copied and it cost 1/10th of stamps
Lucas Gordon
@fearmediocrity that's great news, so glad to hear it! The app is still having trouble intermittently but I'm working on it, enjoy your playlists!
Jon Samp
Like this idea but still haven't been able to get the app to work. If I delete Spotify and login, then I can see my playlists, but they are all empty:
Lucas Gordon
@jonsamp hey Jon, sorry about that, it seems that traffic is particularly high at the moment and I'm getting rate limited by the iTunes Search API. I'm exploring options to get round this, thank you for your patience!
Jon Samp
@lucasjgordon totally understand. Just tried it again and it worked like a charm. This is a really great solution to this problem!
Lucas Gordon
@jonsamp haha you have no idea what a relief it is to hear that! Glad it worked out for you, I will continue to work on it and improve the speed and reliability.
@lucasjgordon it's sad that we have to keep paying extra for more play list imports 😓
Artyom Mihelson
Hi @lucasjgordon , is there any chance to give me an access to the app? I am from Ukraine and want to try app out. Thanks
Shayan Hayat
I have transferred my playlist from Spotify to Apple music using musconvtool. it is safe and easy to use.