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Vu Hoang Anh

Nachos - React Native UI kit by Avocode — Open source set of UI components for JS and React apps.


Pick from a bunch of 30+ pre-coded UI components ready for your next kick-ass app in JavaScript or React.

Vu Hoang Anh
Hey 😸, Some time after releasing the Guacamole UI kit for Sketch, Adobe Xd and Photoshop (https://avocode.com/guacamole/) we're now launching Nachos UI kit for React Native (https://avocode.com/nachos-ui/) to save you some time during mobile development. It's an open source project for anyone to join. We're kicking it off with 30 pre-coded, interactive, and fully customizable components and hope more will be coming soon. Just run the "npm install nachos-ui" and choose any of the pre-styled components in the documentation. Let me know what do you think and if you have any ideas how to make it better. I hope you will build great things with Nachos. Thank you. Vu
Nazim Amin
I love the names Avocado (avocode ofc), guacamole, nachos! It looks great too. Dogging this a lot, will play with this 😄
Petr Brzek
Hey, here's the story behind the Nachos UI kit development. http://bit.ly/2jw9fKW Let me know your thoughts.
Edvins Antonovs
Looks interesting, gonna play with it!
Vu Hoang Anh
@edvinsantonovs Thanks! Please let me know your thoughts
Edvins Antonovs
@helloiamvu Well without off-canvas menu component I don't think it's ready to be used in production.
Petr Brzek
@edvinsantonovs Thanks for the feedback. There is already a great component for the off-canvas menu https://github.com/react-native-.... We can also consider adding it directly to Nachos UI Kit. And also user contributions are welcome.
Looks super nice, I'll play with it when I get home. Well done!
Vu Hoang Anh
@sabarasaba Thank you! I hope you'll find it helpful 😊