Thibault Duchemin

Ava Closed Captions - Make online meetings/videos 1-click accessible for the deaf


Lack of captions on many online meetings & videos exclude everyday 450M deaf & hard-of-hearing people, and COVID19 just made this worse.
Ava Closed Captions empowers them to add lightning fast & accurate captions to any online video & meeting.

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Thibault Duchemin
Hey guys πŸ‘‹! Thibault here, CEO of Ava. When we started Ava a few years ago, we had the main goal to make group conversations accessible to the Deaf & hard-of-hearing. The early successes (with the help of the PH community) helped us make bold moves towards a fully accessible world. I grew up the only hearing person in a Deaf family, and this is very personal for me, and now many of my teammates. With COVID19, captionless Zooms, Facebook Lives, Tiktok videos popped up everywhere, leaving Deaf/hard-of-hearing people behind. So, instead of waiting for all the platforms to become accessible (and some we still wonder if they will ever be!), let's make them accessible ourselves. Ava Closed Captions a powerful desktop app built on top of the mix of professional & AI transcription we've built over the years, to provide 24/7 accurate & fast captions for all online videos & meetings! We've gotten really awesome feedback so far (including from my own family!) and sincerely hope this will help empower even more the Deaf & hard-of-hearing community. Last time, ProductHunt's visibility helped bring in a day tens of thousands of deaf & hard-of-hearing people and some had their lives changes. That's an awesome way to show that the world of tech can and should be more inclusive! 🀟 It's also free & unlimited, so give it a try (it has been very useful for our own Zoom meeting transcriptions ;) With my team, we'll be hanging around the comments today to answer any questions you might have :) Cheers, Thibault & the Ava Team
Adrien Montcoudiol
What Thibault and his team are building for the deaf community is truly powerful and extremely inspiring. Congrats for this new feature launch πŸ™Œ
Thibault Duchemin
@adrienm thank you 🀟
Değer Turan
Ava enabled my family to have conversations with others that did not speak their native language! Really powerful use of AI - congrats for the new launch!
Pieter Doevendans
@deger_turan Thanks for sharing, that's so awesome. We have quite a lot of people who use our realtime translation feature for many different situations.
Kristin Vargas
I think this is awesome. Congrats!
Miko Matsumura
This is very important!!! We need accessibility solutions for the COVID era. Check this out.
Elle Werle
What a remarkable and impactful product! You and your team should be proud. Thank you for creating this. I may even have to use it as a translator when we can travel again.
Pieter Doevendans
@ellebelle thanks for the lovely message! It surely is usable for that too so let us know :)
Alexei Chemenda
Wonderful use of AI - Great product & very useful. I Wish them all the best of luck!
Jean-Benoit Malzac
@alexei_chemenda Thanks πŸ™πŸ’™
Kevin Berrebi
Such a needed and great product - congrats Ava team
Pieter Doevendans
@kevin_berrebi Thanks Kevin.
Jean-Benoit Malzac
@kevin_berrebi Thanks man!
Alejandro Castillejo
Great great product, congratulations :-)
Sam Johnson
Many deaf and hard of hearing people feel like they'll never be a part of the conversation. This product is making huge strides in removing the communication barrier. In this day and age, helping people access online meetings and transcribe in-person interactions (especially with everyone wearing masks) are important steps.
This is awesome! So needed
Erin Medlin
Very impressive product!
Jean-Benoit Malzac
Thanks @erin_medlin :)
Max Prilutskiy
Looks nice, best of luck! πŸ’―
Pieter Doevendans
@prilutskiy thanks a lot :)
Thomas Shields
Awesome stuff. Congrats! Great to see how things have come along since the Lakeside Dr days ;)
Pieter Doevendans
Thanks a lot @thomas_shields! Really great to see your message here. Hope all is well :)
Sunishchal Dev
The mission of Ava is so inspiring and I think take a very humane approach to technology. I can't wait to see how many more lives this app will change as it scales up..
Thibault Duchemin
@sunishchal thank you Dev !
Incredible progress @t_duchemin and team... very impressed! Like Thibault, i grew up with deaf parents as well and saw their massive pain point of being in a social environnement. It's a daily issue that they're facing, and AVA its the most advanced product that can give them a true freedom and access to what sounds completely normal for all of u: being part of the discussion.
Tiffany Yu
Huge congrats to the entire Ava team! This is so needed
Pieter Doevendans
@imtiffanyyu Thanks :)
Daniel Moreh
Whoa. Instant captions for Zoom calls?? Stuff like this makes it so obvious how developing for accessibility makes products better for everyone. Nice work y'all.
Cat Noone
Great to see other solutions in the accessibility space getting funded. Congrats, Thibault!