Organize your days with a single, beautiful app. Dawn is the minimal calendar for everything from todos and events to projects and itineraries. It's your perfect everyday companion.
It's always so sad to see people program great projects and then see they've decided to do the biggest mistake ever by releasing it on iOS before (if even ever) Android.
To quote the creator: "This is just the beginning, there are tons of exciting features planned and in the works as well as iPad, Mac, and other platforms I wish to support."
Based on your previous projects I highly doubt this is going to happen.
"Thanks for comment ***, will look to arrange the development of an Android version in the future!"
I really hope you plan something like that actually for real instead of just dropping the words.
I gonna repeat it on every product as many times as I have to until previliged US-based developers realize it:
- iOS has a market share of 25%.
- Apple has a complicated target group outside the US.
- using Swift in the beginning limits your diversity later on
Start making business if you guys call yourself enterpreneurs. Using iOS as your start of the journey is one of the worst decisions a business can make.
Every creator choosing a smaller, exclusive market for a non-niche product commits commercial suicide. And I think, after years of me preaching this and seeing how I was right in most of the cases, people deserve to fail if they don't learn.
Just look at sketch. They've started for iOS, first said they don't like Windows and therefore won't code for it. Then after protests, they changed their explanation to the lack of technical integrity and functions in Windows versus iOS. They used to be the biggest tool in their niches that has been replaced in 4 of their 5 home markets by other, OS-universal tools within the last years.
There is a reason Facebook and other companies force their employees to use Android and their own android projects to raise awareness that this is what most of their users use but is what most of their coders ignored or have let rot.
Stop using your favourite device atleast one day a week. Get uncomfortable yourself to understand, fix, help and then please your users and in the end boost your business.
Do it. Think about it. Your product seems to good to be the victim of the usual iOS developer ignorance.
@dnlbtlr As target groups aren't bound to devices (especially not Calender Targetgroups), such a study makes no sense.
But here, have one anyway: "The State of In-App Spending: Global & Regional Benchmarks" from AppsFlyer.
@marvinpoo INTERESTING! “ 2) iOS Users Outspend Android
iOS users spend nearly 2.5 times more than Android users on in-app purchases, while the former’s average purchase value is double the latter’s ($12.77 vs. $6.19). The percentage of users who make in-app purchases on iOS is also 50% higher than on Android. Overall, iOS dominance in in-app spending was seen across regions and verticals, with the exception of the utilities/tools category (see point #7for more).
#7 Android Users Love Utility Apps
The fact that Android is an open OS means it is a much stronger platform for utility apps, offering many more functions (memory boosters, launchers, anti-virus etc.) than the more closed iOS platform. This explains the high percentage of Android users globally who spend money in utility apps: 5 times more than iOS users, reaching over 1 in 5 users. As a result, the average in-app spend per app for Android users stands at $0.85 compared to only $0.24 in iOS
@marvinpoo not every developer is a large agency with capacities to develop on several changing platforms. if i remember correctly this is a one man show. it might not be ignorance as you claim (other than your own) but simply something that has to wait until enough money comes in to hire a team.
i could be completely wrong but i had a brief discussion with the developer in some feeback exchange and it seemed to me to be one person.
Hey ProductHunt!
I would first like to give a big thank you to @chrismessina for hunting Dawn and all early access and beta users for providing feedback helping me refine the app!
I’m Eric, a self-taught iOS developer obsessed with creating products that enhance our ability to do and experience more, with emphasis on minimalism and design.
Dawn came to fruition as I wanted to introduce crucial features that transcend current task management apps:
- Clean and minimal design
- Central hub for both events and reminders
- Visual lists for organizing events and reminders
- Focused Today page
This was quite the challenge but after launching the first version and subsequent 2 years of work, I’m excited to share the Second Dawn with the world right now, here on ProductHunt!
This is just the beginning, there are tons of exciting features planned and in the works as well as iPad, Mac, and other platforms I wish to support.
Open to feedback and feature requests, feel free to leave questions or comments and I’ll be here to answer them all!
Thank you, to all of you here to check out Dawn!
Got my upvote, Looks great, price point MIGHT be worth it (i'll see after the trial) I really WANT to love Dawn at first glance, but first turn off is you only allow Apple calendars. Makes sense because you are a IOS self-taught developer, but I'm more a google girl and surprised that Dawn doesn't have an option for Google Calendar? Why only Apple? Is Google Calendar integration coming? Please let me know. For now, I'll "play around" with it and send feedback.
@ni_e_sha Thanks so much Niesha! I've priced Dawn lower than most of the popular calendar apps out there. Notable examples are Timepage and Fantastical, which are both much more expensive and subscription only. I'm not a fan of their pricing!
You should be able to sync your Google calendars to and from Dawn by adding them to your iPhone through Settings > Account, then head into Dawn > Menu > Settings > Integrations > Apple Calendars and tap "Sync" on the Google calendars.
It is indeed a bit roundabout! I'll look into implementing first party calendar syncing directly within Dawn instead of relying on Apple calendars, time for me to study up!!
@hyericlee It worked. Im all googled and apple sync'd! I noticed as soon as I signed up for the trial. So far so good! Also kudos on the other apps on the website too (yes I checked them all). I'll be checking those out as well.
@ni_e_sha Awesome glad it's working! I'm really happy to hear you've checked out my other apps as well, all of these projects are super fun, thanks again!
This is something I was looking for for a very long time! You did a very good job, keep it up! Do you think you will be able to make it register entries on the same calendar via multiple devices?
@travis_bellington I'm humbled to hear this Travis, thanks so much!
If you enable Apple Calendars and/or Reminders sync, these events and reminders will automatically sync to Dawn and across devices that use the same Apple Calendars/Reminders account. Dedicated Dawn account planned for the future to further simplify the process!
Thanks for putting so much effort into making my any many other people lifes more simple. There are a few similar apps to Dawn, however, they often miss the mix of having the calendar and notes for calendar at the same time and that annoys me too much, because i don't like keeping my to do list from calendar, its much more simple this way. Cheers, you have my upvote!
@stirrednotshacken Thanks Martin, you've nailed it in terms of what my goal for Dawn is: to consolidate and simplify task management for it to be a great daily companion. I too couldn't find any apps that were satisfactory so decided to code one.
Good day Martin and thanks again!
@technosoof As soon as Apple drops iOS 14 to the public, I've got Dawn Widgets ready for release! I'm looking to release a version for iPad next, and Apple has made macOS support easier than ever, so most likely released at the same time or close together.
Thanks for the comment!
Great job! Finally a worthy rival to ToDoist, I was surprised to see the lack of calendar+task organizer app in the app store, so this has been a nice surprise for me haha
@aaron_neilson One of the reasons I've created Dawn is to be able to have a minimal app that manages both calendar + tasks, possibly even more. I've still got a long ways to go to rival ToDoist, but the support from all of you is a huge motivation for me to strive for that goal. Thank you Aaron!!
@utestme well, I see the potential in Dawn, might be a bit too much of a statement, however I am excited to see what Dawn will bring to the market of productivity. :)
@lbrkr Highly requested indeed! I'm currently an independent iOS developer so the iOS platforms will be released first, but it's possible I collab with an Android developer in the future to get Dawn out to even more people. Thank you for the feedback!
@mykhailo_sidykh Will maybe collaborate with an Android developer in the future! Currently am an independent iOS developer and I'm not acquainted with development on Android, much apologies 🙏 But thank you for the comment Mykhailo!
Seems nice but, how can I add my existing calendar ? Or am I missing a point ?
And i tried to send you a message via the support feature but i can't, the send button doen't respond :/
@tristanlegros Hi Tristian, thanks for the comment! An email composer should pop up after tapping the send button, but I'll look into the code to see if it got broken. Support email is for anyone that sees this comment.
You're able to add your existing calendars by syncing to Apple Calendars and then in the in app settings, tap Integrations > Apple Calendars, and select the calendars you would like to sync, that's it!
Eager to start using this daily, finally I can drop some of my other "productivity" apps that have been cluttering the space on my phone and my mind. I hope dawn will serve me well!
@jordan_westerman Humbled to hear this Jordan! This is my motivation for designing and developing Dawn: to have a clutter free central hub for productivity. I hope Dawn serves you well too, looking forward to further improve the app even more!
The app looks really awesome. Clean and minimal, I like it very much. (Yes, I still miss Sunrise …) First hands on after the download feels promising.
I'm not a big fan of subscriptions, but 1,50 Euro per month is reasonable. With the accompanying macOS app, maybe it'll be even worth 33 Euros for a lifetime.
Congrats, @hyericlee! One question: Is the app eligible for Apple's family sharing? Can my wife use it on her phone, too? Or do we each have to pay separately?
@drikkes Thanks for the feedback! Not a fan of subscriptions myself as well so it's why I've enabled both one time purchase and subscription so users may choose. I also took into consideration the other mainstream calendar apps pricing (notably Timepage and Fantastical) to price Dawn reasonably lower. As far as I know I have enabled family sharing, but I need to double check. Otherwise, I'm down to configure Dawn for that!
Good day!
@dipak_parmar2 You've nailed the goal of Dawn, really happy to hear this! Third party calendars first need to be synced to your device through device Settings > Accounts, then from Dawn > Settings > Integrations > Apple Calendars where your calendars will show up for you to sync. Will be supporting third party calendars in the future when Dawn becomes multi platform.
Thanks so much for the positive feedback Dipak!
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