Dawn is an elegantly minimal calendar app that aims to revolutionize calendars with integrated to-dos, reminders, and subtasks. It's the calendar for you to manage entire days.
It makes your existing data beautiful and more approachable. Very nicely done.
Another nice touch is that it cleverly uses a Reminder's notes field to capture subtasks for a reminder. If you add a hyphen "- " at the start of a line in a Reminder's notes, it will add that as a subtask in Dawn. Genius.
Just fucking beautiful.
Pros:Design is TIGHT! Syncs with your Calendar and Reminders.
Cons:Some might balk at the $3.99 USD price. You shouldn't.
In my opinion, this product is still in BETA. Completely unable to use the app because of its instability. After it crashes, I close the app and re-open it. Dawn gives the same message every time, "We're updating our databases. This may take a few minutes. Hang tight." Well, that message never goes away and the app won't restart without uninstalling and reinstalling only to start the cycle over. I'll look forward to trying again after some major bug fixes.
Pros:Beautiful to look at. Well executed idea. Perfect and simple onboarding.
Cons:Crashes a lot. No trial period for a $4 app.
Encouraging: developer responded to a question about a feature and is including it next version.
Pros:clean UI
Cons:small potatoes