Frode Hegland

Author - Minimalist Academic Writing

Write, Cite and Export as an automatically academically formatted PDF, in an environment which incldues an integrated graph thinking space we call the Dynamic View.

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Frode Hegland
A more powerful way to author academic papers. The inventor of Siri, Adam Cheyer, says the tools are “essential components for textual thought productivity”. Bruce Horn, programmer of the original Finder in the original Macintosh says that “there have been few advances in this area since the invention of the word processor, and none as well thought-out or accessible” as the augmented text tools. The Augmented Text tools are developed in conjunction with the rest of our Future of Text work, including ‘The Future of Text’ book: We greatly look forward to hearing what you think.
Jacob Sam-La Rose
Some really solid features in Author. Particularly intrigued by the integrated concept map. Keeping eyes on this one.