Matt Henderson 🚀

Auth0 Marketplace - Discover and enable identity integrations in minutes

Auth0 Marketplace makes it easy for developers to find and install the integrations they need to solve identity. Don't worry about writing custom code or trusting a random repo. Just find the integration you need, install and configure it, you're good to go đź‘Ť

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Nick Wade
Hi PH! đź‘‹ We're excited to show you a new way to find and integrate third-party solutions that solve more of your problems right in your app’s identity flows — the Auth0 Marketplace. At Auth0 we’ve worked hard to make identity extensible for years, but developers have had to spend too much time and energy on finding how to do it right. And customizing of their identity flows hasn’t really been accessible to the newer kinds of teams making modern apps in marketing, support, and other part of a company. So, our team has been at work for several months to make it easier for everyone to extend their identity service with new solutions to repetitive old problems. Brand new applications may intially need only a username and password to sign up some early users. But then many growing startups, early successful products, and internal teams at larger companies can quickly find a growing list of new identity problems they need to handle, and that somebody already solves really well. The trick is putting these things together. You can read the developer docs, or wade through StackOverflow and Google search results, and still not be sure you’ve hit on the right or the supported way to integrate a third-party service. Putting these things together is where Auth0 Marketplace shines. You can now integrate the third-party services we've verified, to extend your identity with a few simple steps: head to, search for the solution you want, and if it’s already available integrate with a few clicks and variables. And if it’s not available yet, you can request it and we’ll let that third-party know you’re looking to work with them, on your behalf. If you're building apps and services you'd like others to use with their Auth0-based identity flows, you can build it and release those in our Marketplace too. A couple of examples we've heard again and again, now made easier: – You want other developers to sign up with trusted credentials they already have. Just turn on Log in with GitHub, Log in with Dropbox, Log in with Google in minutes. We've had these for a while and now it's trivial to find them all, and more as Marketplace grows. – Your new consumer finance app inflected up and right, user sign ups are growing fast, but user account fraud is growing too. To quickly assure you know who your users really are, integrate Onfido or Vouched for ID Proofing right at sign up time. – And if your users need to agree to your Privacy Policy from time to time, Integrate OneTrust or MyLifeDigital to present the right policy to the right users during sign up and log in so you can assure you have their consent in using your apps. We hope you’re intrigued by the new Auth0 Marketplace and give it a try. Thanks for checking us out, and a special shoutout to @juhaszhenderson for hunting our new thing. Happy hunting, from the Auziros at Auth0
Sia Mohajer
Love it! Encouraging more ppl to use 2FA is super important.
Nick Wade
Thanks @siamohajer – we agree, and some of the newer approaches are starting to make life easier for users (we're excited by the idea of passwordless being available to all apps in minutes)
Matt Henderson 🚀
Excited to hunt this today! The team at Auth0 has been working hard on this for months to help devs build faster and get more out of Auth0. 🚀
Nick Wade
Hey @juhaszhenderson – thanks again for the hunting here 👏
Lucas Massuh
Awesome idea! It's the first time I see a product that increases security and lowers implementation friction at the same time.
Nick Wade
Thanks @lucasmassuh! You definitely get it ❤️
Mohamed Aboshihata
?makers Can you make the links from the guide open in new tab? for example in google/gmail social login links change the page to developer site in Google. Awesome!
Shafiq Shivji
Great suggestion @mid0! We've passed your feedback onto our engineering teams and will look at it on our next sprint.
Tem Nugmanov
looks great! might be a tangent but does this support the latest "passwordless" software like
Nick Wade
Thanks @temirlan — and while Trusona is not yet live in Auth0 Marketplace, stay tuned, we've been in touch
Connor Brereton
Woo hoo! So proud to work here!
Nick Wade
Me too @connorbrer ❤️