auth. - 2FA , MFA, OTP, Secure Code for Apple devices
Auth. is a 2FA and OTP management tool for everyone.
Works with all Apple personal devices using iCloud Keychain.
Scan the QR Code and Done!
Or you may add your account manually from your provider.
Safari extension is also available for auto-fill-in.
SafeContext API - Determine whether user input is safe or not
As developers, we are constantly challenged to ensure end-user input will not damage the community. To help create a safe and secure app, we made the SafeContext API, a service that allows developers to determine whether user input is safe or not.
BetterAppIcons for iPhone - Create your unique app icon today.
BetterAppIcons can help you make icons easily.
This app is made with SwiftUI and designed for iOS14.
Support different symbols.
Million Color Patterns
Matching Theme System
Support Keyboard
Export design to Shortcuts / Apple Watch Faces