Alon Carmel collaboration - Real time code collaboration on the web for


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Alon Carmel
i've created a small plugin for code collaboration for that lets you invite people from the web to help you with coding. simple link that people can write from the web into your and vise versa. there are many like it but this one is mine :)
Tim Dorr
@aloncarmel What about atom-to-atom sharing?
Alon Carmel
@timdorr next release. Promise! How do you like it?
Alon Carmel
@timdorr how do you see it? Inviting someone to your file opens the file on the invitee end?
Tim Dorr
@aloncarmel You could have some key that you pass over to them. They would pop that into some input somewhere (even better: also support the atom CLI) and magic happens.
Alon Carmel
@timdorr I'm about to finish exactly what you suggested. Input a key and a new blank file opens with the session there. Sound good?
Alon Carmel
its also open source for anyone to play with
Omri Ariav
Great tool for joint debugging, coding and learning.
Adam Benayoun
That's cool. @aloncarmel kudos for all the side projects you churn during your weekends!