Even after having actively monitored changes and differences in the laws of every US state for most of my professional career I'm still astounded by the level of variation. Unfortunately, except for in a few high profile cases or passage of major new legislation most people never hear about it.
Whatever you think about any given law its easy to see that they're ineffective if people don't actually know what they are, and if you think the law says one thing when it really says another that can seriously ruin your day, week, month or more.
There's a lot of variation, on both major and minor issues, and a lot of shockers. ATLAS is here to minimize those shocks - we proactively let you know when laws affecting you change.
Everyone's circumstances are different and we want to make sure you only see what matters to you. No kids? Ignore child seat laws. Lead foot? Stay fully updated on speeding fines.
There's laws for everything under the sun. And not only are they always changing, how they affect you based on your situation is always changing too. Not knowing what's up puts your rights in jeopardy. We want to help with that!
As the chief of policy who has to track state laws and regulations constantly, I feel this would be incredibly beneficial. How often would you make updates so the laws are current?
this fantastic product idea tracks laws in different states. e.g. I might be able to defend my property in one state, but not in another. Track laws as you travel to different states
Can you add Mexico soon? Many people in the US frequently travel to Mexico. It would be extremely helpful to know the laws, especially pharmaceuticals and bringing it back to the US for personal use as well as alcohol and guns. I think this would be really important for those who cruise and also live in border States.
@theganz Mexico and Canada are actually first on our list once we go international! Great suggestions as well Kim, we'll make sure to take note and incorporate those issues in future builds.
@alexobenauer Very excellent, we can't wait to get the iOs version out to you! If you visit get.atlasapp.us you can put in your information and we'll notify you as soon as we finish it up.
@david_kennedy If you leave the boundaries of the US and enter the rest of the world where we don't yet track laws you won't get updates until you return stateside
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