
Atlas - Eye-opening charts and data, powered by Quartz 😳

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I'm keep getting the following error message Unable to register user with current email/username
Zach Seward
@krissavoia @thisischribell @leachy114 Should be working fine now if you want to try registering again. Thanks! https://www.theatlas.com/registe...
Simon Glx
@mirmayne It didn't work from the regular /register page, but using the link sent by Zach 2 post above, no problems to sign-up !
Ryan Hoover
Super cool. Fun to see what comes up with keywords like Slack: Or Snapchat (@niv will appreciate this data viz):
Brandon Bailey
So many charts so little time
Julia Karmo
This is great! Question: How does licensing work on these charts? And how would licensing on charts created by users work? All public domain?
Alfonso C. Betancort
/@zseward getting the “Unable to register user with current email/username” error again…
Paul Shapiro
I search "bananas" and get information about the Gap. I guess there are no banana-related charts.
Bob Troia
This one made me giggle - https://www.theatlas.com/charts/...
Yassine Landa
I like charts & I like your logo! But for discovering industry insights, I prefer tools like @ReportLinker.
Aram Shahinyan
The idea seems to be pretty cool. Would love to try it, but unfortunately get an error message when trying to register: "Unable to register user with current email/username" :(
Suff Syed
How will these charts remain up to date?
Thomas Honeyman
This seems a nice alternative to GraphIQ and Statista, but the search is quite poor. Searching 'Hong Kong Box Office' tells me about gun violence in Norway, GDP in Florida, and the average GCT scores of Marine officer candidates (no idea what that is!). Yet a search for 'red vs. blue' gives me the Hong Kong box office results in January as the second graph.
Pascal Briod
Really cool ... I've typed "beers" and got some unexpected results.
Paul Shapiro
@kristofertm That makes a lot more sense now. Lol.
chris bell
Despite the registration not working, I did enjoy the site and added some thoughts in this article. https://medium.com/product-hunt-...
Jonathan Z. White
Been playing around with a few search queries like "Bitcoin" and "WeChat", interesting results so far. Here is their blog post introducing Atlas http://qz.com/434425/atlas-the-n...
Shesh Ramachandran
This is really really cool
Aram Shahinyan
it would be supercool to let users change a bit the look and feel of charts, some basic things, like main chart colors and background color.
Abhinaw Kumar
I was looking for something like this. A graph for everything. Makes life of a Product Manager so easier. Now I can quickly validate my gut sense and assumptions. I have few queries and some views to share - 1. From where do you procure data ? How authentic are they ? 2. Can it also function like a controlled crowdsourced platforms like wikipedia. It can grow exponentially in such case. 3. Does Atlas automatically create these graphs or a team defines the input and output ?
Craig Barber
This is incredible. Well done guys : )
This looks awesome since Google Desktop! Any plan for Linux users?