Justin Jackson

AtariVCS - Reinventing the way you game. Again.


The VCS is a completely new Atari connected device, designed in California by Atari. The company has partnered with AMD who provides the Atari VCS custom processor with Radeon Graphics Technology. The Atari VCS platform will offer support for 4K resolution, HDR and 60FPS content, onboard and expandable storage options, dual-band WiFi and Bluetooth 5.0, as well as USB 3.0 support.

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Ryan Hoover
The biggest surprise: They're doing an IndieGoGo campaign. I realize it's not shipping until 2019 but have they announced any upcoming titles? P.S. You can play Joust, Gauntlet, Paperboy, and thousands of other classic arcade games for free in your browser here.
Christian Vanderbeck
@rrhoover 4K resolution on crappy atari graphics makes no sense
Ben Djbk Kalish
In the third photo, the dude is playing with an Xbox controller. LOL.
Alex H
@ben_djbk_kalish Well it supports Bluetooth 5.0....My guess is that you can use any controller that connects via the BT protocol....So you can probably use Sony and XBox controllers.
Nick Fotopoulos
@ben_djbk_kalish Didn't notice the controller, but I did notice that the UI on the TV looked like Xbox content.
Laurentiu Badea
@ben_djbk_kalish @metalhaze Yeah, but it's a 360 controller, which doesn't have bt and I doubt you can use the PC dongle on the VCS.
Matt McClard
Why don't they show any gameplay. Why would I buy a console without seeing games running on it? I've loved Atari since playing Frogger on my 2600, but this sounds like the newest version of the Ouya.
Dan Dan
So little information for so much hype.
Mark Byrne
Oh holy hell. It's happening. What a time to be alive...
Alex Hernandez
What exactly is the hook for this console? Are they releasing games to compete with the big 3? Or is it just for playing classics?
Emile Ferreira
What OS will it run?
Igor Gorbenko
What about the games? Can turn out to be another PS Vita?
Brian Lee
My guess is that this is the French take of the Nvidia Shield, which is a TV streaming box that also plays Android games. Games that you wouldnt' expect on Android like Bioshock, Borderlands, Batman Arkham, Witcher 3 - real games and not mobile games. The difference being the industrial design and the 100 Atari classic games. With the Nintendo mini-consoles, there are games you just can't get anywhere. I'm not sure I see the point of this when you can get the same games on multiple consoles.
Robert Headley
The marketing for this device makes no sense. The hardware is overkill if your primary driver is emulating atari 2600 games. The hardware is underwhelming if you want to be able to run a wide assortment of computer games. They seem to want to market this device in multiple ways, but their hardware and price point do not line up.