Garry Tan

Astro - AI meets email for Mac, iOS and Android


Modern email apps for Mac, iOS, Android, and Alexa, fully-integrated with Slack, and powered by artificial intelligence.

1/24/2018 UPDATE: New version of Astro launched! Check it out here:

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This is really clean, and the onboarding is great. The UX here is really well done. I've seen (and used) a ton of really nice, free email clients pop up on PH over the past couple of years (CloudMagic/Newton, Polymail, Nylas) , though, which have gone on to charge upwards of $10/mo once they've established a userbase. What's your long-term plans for monetization? Do you have plans to charge users for the app? Create a suit of premium services (tracking, for example)? Are you going to be acquired by Salesforce in 6 months and make me go crawling back to the Gmail app?
Emily Kramer
@chrisdolle We plan to launch a Paid version of our product later this year, that focuses on team intelligence and advanced email features. Our intention is to keep all the modern features, chatbot, etc. that we offer now free for individuals. Read receipts is on our roadmap, and you can expect it soon. Advanced email tracking will likely be a Premium feature. We hope you don't have to go crawling back to the Gmail app! We have a strong vision of bringing AI to workplace communications and we're excited to grow both the product and company.
Nigel Jennings
@chrisdolle I feel your pain Chris. Similar experiences here - even worse I crawl back to Mac Mail!
Chris Tirpak
@emilykramer @chrisdolle If you are going to add read receipt requesting that is ok by me but please add the ability for me to deny a read receipt - it is, IMHO, a great waste of email bandwidth, a horrible management tactic, and a tactic often used by spammers to track down who accidentally read their email. I'd also love to see the AI deployed to defeat open/read beaconing services.
Emily Kramer
Hello Product Hunt. We're so happy to be here, and thanks Garry for hunting us! We'll be answering questions today and are excited to hear your feedback, so ask away. We just launched Astro in Public Beta, on Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Astro has everything you expect from intelligent, modern email apps, plus a chatbot that helps you declutter your inbox and focus on important messages. In fact, Astrobot is the first native email chat bot--this is what makes Astro really special. We started Astro because there's still room for improvement and untackled problems when communicating and collaborating, and we think artificial intelligence can help. The email apps we launched today are just the beginning... Here's what to expect when you download Astro: *Astrobot tells you what to unsubscribe from, what to archive, and who to make a VIP, as soon as you add an email address. *As you use Astro, Astrobot continues to provide suggestions to keep your inbox clean and make sure you don't miss anything important. And of course, Astrobot can help you with basic tasks and responds to 100s of questions. *Astro's available across devices, it was really important to us to launch with both mobile and desktop apps. This means a unified inbox, available on Mac, iPhone, and iPad for Gmail and Office 365 email addresses. *Next, we're bringing Astro to Android and Alexa. We'll be adding support for additional email services soon too. *Astro is packed with features: Snooze, Unsubscribe, Send Later, Follow-up Reminders, Mute, customizable notifications, email prioritization, and more. *Free for people and teams. We expect to launch a paid version for teams later this year, but the features available today will remain free for early users. Thanks for checking us out. We can't wait to hear what you think.
Garry Tan
Astro was made by some true SV legends who have made some of the world’s best email software. They’re back at it with a clean easy to use email client built from the ground up that makes great use of AI, has fast search and all the modern features you would expect. I’m pretty psyched to make Astro my primary email client.
Andy Pflaum
Top Product
Thank you everyone for all the support and feedback! AI combined with smart app design can take us leaps forward in managing our work & personal communication. We're excited to be making these apps available for Mac & iOS, and soon for Android & Windows. We look forward to much more discussion & feedback!
Ernesto Graterol
Privacy - Effective as of March 3, 2017: What Information does Astro Collect? Information You Provide to Us We receive and store any information you knowingly provide to us. For example, through the registration process and/or through your Astro Account settings, we may collect Personal Information such as your name, email address, phone number, and third-party account credentials (for example, your log-in credentials for your existing email account). If you provide your third- party account credentials to us or otherwise sign in to the Services through a third party site or service, you understand some content and/or information in those accounts (“Third Party Account Information”) may be transmitted into your account with us, and that Third Party Account Information transmitted to our Services is covered by this Privacy Policy; for example, your emails, attachments and correspondence history stored in your existing email account will be provided to Astro when you create an Astro Account using your existing e-mail log-in credentials. Certain information may be required to register with us or to take advantage of some of our features. We may communicate with you if you’ve provided us the means to do so. For example, if you’ve given us your email address, we may email you about your use of the Services. Also, we may receive a confirmation when you open an email from us. This confirmation helps us make our communications with you more relevant and improve our services. If you do not want to receive communications from us, please indicate your preference by clicking on the unsubscribe option in our emails or contacting us at Source:
Emily Kramer
@therevod Do you have specific concerns about the policy? We take privacy and security really seriously, and have details (in non-legal policy speak) in our FAQ: A brief overview… -Data encryption: in transit and at rest -Confidentiality: We have strict restrictions in place with employees to protect user data -Data deletion: Users can delete all of their data in Astro from our Preferences menu (self-serve) -We are working on creating a bug bounty program, but for now encourage users to send us any vulnerabilities, bugs, or issues they uncover. We encourage people to send any issues they find into
Ernesto Graterol
@emilykramer @helloastro Just want to post the privacy page for the people that like to know more about that (Like me), I will try your email client this weekend
Emily Kramer
@therevod @helloastro Thanks, hopefully the FAQ link I posted helps people out as well.
Emmanuel Lemor
The interface looks nice and while I'm not yet convinced that AI can solve the information overload (having tried other email clients in the past) but willing to give it a go with Astro but without POP3/IMAP support it doesn't support 90% of my email needs... So, when will POP3/IMAP support arrive? :)
Emily Kramer
@exlemor Hopefully our app can convince you that AI can help solve some of your email problems :) IMAP later this year, we're working on it!
Evan Kimbrell
@exlemor Ugh. No IMAP? That's annoying
Eduardo Soubihe
Very impressive. Well thought out onboarding, clean UI and makes use of the same shortcurts as Gmail.
Emily Kramer
@ebsalberto Thanks! Happy to hear you like it.
Nathan Baschez
@emilykramer @ebsalberto +1 for same shortcuts as gmail :) One suggestion - when writing an email, i usually hit "tab" then "enter" to send. If you added support for that, it'd be amazing!
Joanne Yuan
Have been using for a month and Astro is SO fast and reliable. Big fan of team and product!
Chris Tirpak
I've been on the private beta for a few weeks and can attest that the AI is surfacing just the email I care about to my Priority Inbox and leaving everything else for later. Definitely off to a promising start! Give it a try!
Emily Kramer
@ctirpak Thanks Chris, and thanks for the great feedback during the Private Beta.
Vlad Arbatov
I'm so eager to use Astro to it's full potential, but unfortunately I have two other mail providers besides Gmail: Fastmail (primary mail) and Yandex (work mail). Is there a chance SMTP is coming soon?
Emily Kramer
@vladzima IMAP is coming later this year and that will allow you to use Yandex and Fastmail.
Emily Kramer
@vladzima All good, the email acronyms get confusing :)
Nicolae Pasecinic
Astro is one of my favorite Email App so far. Using since heard about them. Are you guys planning to add calendar? That can be awesome. Thank You.
Emily Kramer
@nicolaepase Thanks Nicolae for your support and being part of our Private Beta too. We plan to add an ai-powered calendar this year.
Nicolae Pasecinic
@emilykramer Thanks for the answer. Are you guys planning to add PRO Version, what features are you thinking to add?
Jacob Bendicksen
Beautiful app! Any plans to add read receipts like Polymail?
Emily Kramer
@jacobbendicksen Yes, that's high on our roadmap!
Viral Kadakia
Love Astro! I downloaded the Mac app a couple weeks back and found my productivity jump through the roof. Astrobot is AI that actually works. The VIP list, Tips and the chat interface to personalize my experience helped get to zero Inbox quickly. When used in a group/team setting, I can only imagine how effective it will be. Do you plan to integrate with other web and messaging services in the future as well?
Emily Kramer
@viral_kadakia Thanks for being one of our early users. Integrations are on the way...more on that soon!
Samuel Mikel Bowles
I felt lied to. You asked for my email in the context of an on-boarding experience and then _after I'd given it_ told me I was signing up for a waiting list. Of course I was disappointed that I would have to wait but more importantly I felt deceived into giving my email. If the signup flow had been honest about the wait list I probably still would have given you my email but I would have had many fewer negative thoughts about the process.
Emily Kramer
@shmuel This isn't the normal experience, we're experiencing server overload right now. Normally, you get right in. We're sorry to have mislead you and we're working on resolving the issue so you can add accounts!
Samuel Mikel Bowles
@emilykramer Thanks for the reply Emily. I understand. I just wanted to communicate that the current flow undermined a bit of my trust (which is a critical thing when dealign with email). I think it's a solvable issue either by altering the signup flow or, as you say, the harder but more permanent way: fixing the underlying performance issues.
Emily Kramer
@shmuel Working on both. Thanks for the feedback.
Tarun Gangwani
@shmuel Also not a fan of this, but I think a quick fix would be to queue and show where someone would be as if you were waiting in line to talk to an agent (since that's the model you are going for).
Emily Kramer
@tarungangwani @shmuel Tarun, yes we did what we could due to the high demand. Definitely a learning experience, and we hope people will give us a try when we open back up the waitlist.
Emily Kramer
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up, we're throttling new accounts right now during our in-app add account process. This is due to high demand (so thanks for your support). In the next hour or so we'll be allowing more new users into the app. Thanks for your patience! 😌
Jeremy Cai
@emilykramer would love to give it a shot! :)
Geoff Schaadt

I've been a delighted user of Astro almost since launch. And now they have sold to Slack - and are immediately shutting down.

Can anyone recommend a good email/calendar client?


It was awesome.


It is gone.

Jon Watts
@gschaadt likewise I've really enjoyed using Astro, now I'm going to give these services a try
Raj Panesar
7 months later and I'm still looking for a good alternative. Have you had any luck with anything?
Keir Williams
How are you different to Notion?
Emily Kramer
@keirwilliams We think Notion is doing some exciting stuff, and we're both focused on bringing intelligence to Inbox. But, we're taking different approaches. -We're focused on conversational AI, we think our chatbot is the best way to remind you about important messages and questions, prompt you about emails to unsubscribe from, archive, and move; and help you with basic productivity tasks. -Astro is available on Mac and iOS, so right now you can use Astro across devices. Notion is currently only available on mobile. -We think you’ll find our Priority Inbox experience, as well as Inbox Zap, to be more helpful in keeping your inbox clean long-term -We also offer modern email features. We have scheduled delivery/send later, one-click unsubscribe, and mute, which aren't currently available in Notion (to my knowledge). -Notion does currently has an Alexa skill, ours is coming soon. Generally though, we're excited to see how AI can solve info overload, and are excited to continue to see what Notion does.
Om Malik
Excited that try it out 👍🏼
Emily Kramer
@om Thanks, let us know what you think!
Om Malik
@om missed out on downloading it in time. Oh well
Om Malik
@emilykramer I guess I missed the window to download it - sigh
Baris Ergin
Any chance to see a Windows version soon?
Emily Kramer
@barisergin Working on it and also hiring a dedicated Windows engineer! We want to bring Astro to all platforms, Android is up next, but Windows is also a priority. We know the mail app options on Windows are very limited and that's a gap we hope to fill.
Tim Van Damme
Been testing Astro for the past couple of months, feels like a spiritual successor of Mailbox (I don't drop that name lightly)
Emily Kramer
@maxvoltar Thanks Tim! "Spiritual Successor of Mailbox" just might have to be our new tagline.