Hey everyone... Colton and I launched Assembly back in 2014 to make it easier for anyone with a good idea to access mass production. Assembly NOW is our latest attempt to make access to Chinese manufacturing even cheaper and easier. We love helping startups and makers (we offer discounts, contact me). We're around to answer any questions. Please give us feedback! Cheers!
@bentossell Just a quick note about the price point from a hardware company founder ... $499 a month is certainly "real money" for an early stage startup. But when you're trying to spin up manufacturing in China, it often feels like you're just lighting money on fire every day. Spending $499 month for on-demand expertise is a huge bargain relative to the alternatives. (Hiring multiple consultants. Getting on an airplane every time there's an issue at a factory. Both.)
We had the chance to talk to the GetScale team while in SF for a weekend, and these guys are awesome. A really talented group that has a deep understanding of hardware and manufacturing. Cheers Jon & Colton!
This sounds great, as Ben Tossel said though it'd be better if you had some sort of short trial (let's say, 1 or 2 days). 499 without the possibility to test it in advance is quite a lot.
If you've ever conversed with Jonathan and Colton, you know that these guys are incredible resources about all things related to manufacturing, product design, supply chains, etc. They're also unbelievably nice, helpful, and interesting. Jonathan's emails to startup founders who ask for advice on the YC Hardware list are legendary.
The original Assembly product/service is very highly regarded in the tech hardware community. Assembly NOW is a really cool innovation. If you manufacture in China (or are thinking about doing so) you definitely should talk to Assembly.