Neeraj Thakur

Arrivedo Routes - Technology and curated content travelers love.


Curated local experiences around places to stay worldwide. Arrivedo self-guided walking routes let travelers personalize their trip when exploring a destination based on the precise experiences that they’re craving.

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Conrad Egusa
Great job Alonso, Aylenne, Rodrigo & the Arrivedo team!
Aylenne Tinoco
@conradegusa Thank you, Conrad!
Christopher Lee
Love the concept, the map UI with the descriptions on the left is fantastic as well. I have to ask, where do you source your articles from? A nagging question in the back of my mind is the trustworthiness of the things i'm reading.
Aylenne Tinoco
@christopher_lee4 Hey Conrad! All of our content is created by our writers community in collaboration with the hotel. We have over 3,000 freelance writers all over the world that outreach hotels and create their guide to integrate on the hotel's website using white label tech and API solutions.
Christopher Lee
@aylennetinoco Wow amazing. super cool, that definitely lends credibility :) By the way seeing as you just launched I have a market research service where for $12 you can ask 100 people a question then follow-up based on how they answered and even interview them! You could ask e.g. "Do you ever travel to a vacation destination and find it hard to figure out what to see/do/eat?" - and then follow-up to see what people are currently doing. Anyway If you want to give it a shot feel free to sign up and let me know which email you used over Intercom and I'll pass you $12 in free credits. Best of luck otherwise!