Aroma API - Universal API for productivity apps

Aroma API is one universal API to scale fast with integrating every calendar, project management, CRM, documentation communication, etc. tools. It standardise the data for you to perform any action or get insights quickly.

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Hey!! I’m @Naman, one of the co-founders of Aroma. I’m excited to take Aroma live today on Product Hunt. We all see a lot of productivity tools around these days and all of us use different tools all together every day but many of them are limited by the kind of integrations they have. So, we built Aroma… A universal API to scale fast with all the integrations. Whether you want to integrate the calendar with any task management tools or you want to get data from slack. Aroma has inbuilt 30+ integrations right now which you can use directly and scale your software to all those in a single day. How it works❓ - Get access to our SDK - Connect our SDK - Standardise endpoints to the software Use-cases ✅ Integrate the calendar with any project management or communication tools ✅ Update any CRM from any communication tool ✅ Migrate data from one software to another seamlessly ✅ Fetch any data into a standardized format. Please do look forward to our upcoming releases! We’ll be hanging out in the comments today to answer any questions you have. Much love 💜, Aroma team
Abhishek Sachdeva
Congratulations on the launch @naman_agrawal3. Integrations have been a blocker for us, we need 30+ for our product. Booked a demo! :)
@abhishek_sachdeva1 Sure would be happy to speak.
Robin Sachdeva
Congratulations @naman_agrawal3.
@robin_sachdeva Thank you, Robin. :)
Anton Moukhin
Cool, instead making tens of notes in different apps I can use this one tool. Will defenitely need to try it!
@anton_moukhin Hi Anton, Would be happy to have a chat about it and understand more about your use case. Can you please book a call on our website?
Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
Just signed up for the waiting list! Looks amazing! Which apps do you currently have, and which are you prioritizing next?
Anil Kumar
We are interested in multiple email clients and want to know more about that. Looking forward to connecting.