
20+ Free Admin Dashboards - Tested Flask and Django starters - LIVE support via Discord.


Production-ready starters coded with basic modules like authentication, database, ORM, modular codebase and deployment scripts.
Active support via Github (issues tracker) and Discord:

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This 20+ admin dashboards collection aims to help developers to deliver faster their products. All starters are provided with a basic set of features and active support via Github (issues tracker) and Discord: Features (common to all apps): - Modern UI Kits provided by well-known agencies - Authentication, Database, ORM - Clean, modular codebase built with best-practices in mind - Deployment scripts for Docker, Heroku AppSeed, the company behind this project, is a platform used by 1900+ registered developers and trusted by well-known agencies: Creative-Tim, WrapPixel, BootstrapDash, Themesberg. The platform also provides commercial products and this launch comes with a 25% Discount for every sale during the next 48H. Note: The discount comes as a post-sale refund.