Turn your favorite websites into a desktop app in one click
Felix Josemon
Web2Desk — Turn your favorite websites into a desktop app in one click

Web2Desk is a tool to convert your favorite websites to Desktop app in just one click. Regardless of Platform( Mac, Linux, Windows) we got it covered and it's free!

Arjun R Pillai
Awesome. Solves a real problem and simple
@rarjunpillai Thank you.
Siddharth Jaiswal
Really cool product @aneesv! I was earlier using Fluid for Mac but it would restrict "Full screen" as a paid feature. I see that you guys are injecting a GTM Container, would suggest you disclose that prominently.
Steven Hambleton
What's the real benefit of running an website as an 'app'? I'm struggling to see the point.
Hayden Evans
I really wish people would stop claiming that tools like these (or Electron) “turn web apps into desktop/native apps”. Nothing is further from the truth. It’s about the equivalent of creating a dock shortcut for a website that launches in its own web view. That’s it.
Imre Lovasz
@hayden_evans I was about to post something like this but you beat me to it. It's amazing that people still fall for this... and wasting resources like memory and hard disk space instead of trying to organize their stuff in the browser.
Daan Debie
@hayden_evans I couldn't agree more! I find it very strange that everybody on Product Hunt seems to be gushing over this. Why on earth would you want to exchange 1 browser with a bunch of tabs for multiple resource-hungry browser instances?!
Michael Ball-Marian
@hayden_evans Indeed. I tried this with a sample Thesaurus site. Sure, it works, and has the nice feature of maintaining separate cookies / cache. But it also seems to install a background service for each site that you add...and it sits there hogging up memory even when your "desktop app" is not actively running. Eww.
Tony Brix

Product Hunt web: 1.5MB

Product Hunt exe: 118MB

Just creates an Electron app.

No chrome extensions.





Thanks Tony for using the product.
Arpit Choudhury
Very cool! Just created one for and waiting for it to arrive!
@irhymeth Hope you had a great experience 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ozgur Ozer
I've downloaded Product Hunt's MacOS version and the .app size is 359.2 MB. I think you're doing something wrong. Because I've made the exact thing now and it's only 170.8 MB.
@ozgrozer Thanks for the feedback. We'll definitely check on that🚑. Would be great if you could let us know how did you got MacOS app 170.8MB. So that we can easily understand what's going on ✌
Ozgur Ozer
@saleeh Here's the boilerplate that I use. In the `electron.js` I call into the `win.loadURL()` instead of an HTML file. When I build it, I get 49 MB .dmg and 121.8 MB .app file. In my previous answer I've used the newer Electron NPM package. But with an old version it even decreased the size from 170.8 MB to 121.8 MB.
Athul Suresh
Really cool stuff! 👏👏
@athulsuresh Thanks ✌️🤞
Hans Dorsch

If you are a mac user, go get Fluid. It has been turning websites into perfect apps for ages. Those apps are fast, reliable and small. Like 6 MB.


Well, does, what it says.


Did you see the size of the app?! 350 MB?! This is crazy much.

Thanks for checking out You are absolutely right, We can understand how 350MB feels in a mac 😢, But we are using electron for Linux and Windows, Along with that we'll definitely put some more effort to reduce the size of the app.
Hi ProductHunt👋, Anees from, Web2Desk is a tool to convert your favorite websites to Desktop app in just one click. Regardless of Platform( OSX, Linux, Windows) we got it covered! Imagine having dozens of tabs opened on browser and the hassle it takes to navigate between those apps. It feels more convenient for plenty of users to have a Desktop apps for their favourite website(Product Hunt, Quora..) or urls(,..). Web2Desk helps you do just that. That too in one click and for FREE. Web2Desk is currently supported on Linux, Mac and Windows! We at 👷‍build this with 👨‍💻code and ☕️coffee in an internal 🛠 hackathon. This was build by inspiration from Nativefier, an opensource/command line tool to convert website to desktop apps. We would love to get some 🙏 feedback and are 😻 excited to answer 💬 questions!
Aslam Abbas
@aneesv Only a small feedback. An estimated waiting time would have been nice!
@aslamabbas Thanks for checking out. We'll definitely add estimated waiting time.
Joshua Pinter
@aneesv Was it built with "inspiration from Nativefier" or does it actually use Nativefier under-the-hood?
@allenleein Thank you ❤️
@joshuapinter We are using a slightly modified version of nativefier
Very handy tool to turn websites into desktop apps. Thanks for making this team ❤️
@shyjal Thanks for checking out ✌️✌️
"Welcome collect information you provide us on our Sites such as your name, email address, postal address, phone number, fax number, company name, credit card payment information and demographics. We may also obtain information from other sources and combine that with information we collect on our Sites." How nice of them to provide this and not nice to collect our info...
Chris Savoie
Came here to point this out. ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Just to re-emphasize for others, they're recording your "name, email address, postal address, phone number, fax number, company name, credit card payment information and demographics" ⚠️⚠️⚠️
@androidlove @chrissavoie Hi, Sorry for the miscommunication in our privacy policy, "We collect information you provide us on our Sites..." is referring to main website. We are storing that details for our paid customers to process payments. We are not collecting any information from apps created. Thanks
Chris Savoie
Thanks for the clarification, @aneesv. I'd be comfortable with the tool if you updated the policy to match.
Jon Bjornn
I really see no reason this should have 1,200 votes.. let's just be clear about what this is. It's a webpage wrapper so instead of typing "nativefier product" you type the URL into the website instead. And honestly... almost all the apps listed as sample apps have NATIVE APPS ALREADY! Come on, please don't use a DIY app over a company's own supported app unless you have a good reason to. This seems like just a marketing plan to get traffic to the makers' other project.
Sooraj Chandran
Good one. Gonna try this straight away :100:
@iamsooraj Glad you liked it ✌️🤞
Javier Luz
Unfortunately, it doesn't work anymore 😞 (at least on Mac).
Felix Josemon
@javitoluz Its working perfectly. Can you try again? TIA
Daylen Sawchuk
Any way to change the Windows app icon once the program has downloaded? I accidentally made it a picture of a CryptoKitten.
@askdaylen Updating app is not supported now. But you can create a new app, ✌️🤞
Anthony Pelosi
It works! Love the Copy Current URL feature, simple but helpful since you no longer have access to the Address Bar for URL.
@tonypelosi Glad you like it 🎈
Imre Lovasz

It's not gonna turn the web page into an app, it's a ridiculous claim.

Please, people of Earth, educate yourself a bit before aweing...


None that I can think of


Using a customized browser to access a single web page. Makes no sense.

Sam Rye

Super happy to be able to quickly turn core web apps I use, which aren't yet supported by Station, into their own MacOS apps! Time tracking, project planning + invoicing stays open all day, everyday, now it can just live as it's own app on my dock. Win.


Made the very awesome web software I use for all my freelance time tracking, project planning and invoicing into a desktop app!


None at this stage

Wow. Its a great tool.
@rohildev Glad you liked it 😍