Aaron O'Leary

The New iPod Touch - Apple's newest iPod touch

Apple today introduced the new iPod touch with enhancements to power, capability and communication.

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Andreas Duess
For those who are asking "but why" one answer is "for my kids".
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
But why?
@chrismessina these are really popular with kids who dont need a smartphone yet
Ethan Kravitz
@chrismessina @specialperson32 yet/ever. Wifi + literally thousands of voip/messaging apps to choose from makes the iPod Touch a very capable device.
Tyler Frederick
@chrismessina Yes, for the kids. But also for all those that hate the idea of a smartphone and want to have their entire music library - that took years to import into iTunes from CDs - available to listen to anytime anywhere. Obviously, the demand isn't all too crazy, but it's nice to see Apple hasn't completely abandoned the iPod. Sure, they don't care enough about it to change up the design, but at least they care enough to keep it alive and up to date with iOS performance.
David V. Kimball
When's the Zune HD refresh? ;)
Thomas Krajewski
I think it's great if you don't want to use your phone or don't have a stereo.
Folake Shasanya
any other answer except for 'for my kids' ? Would an android phone user buy this as a complementary item eg for iphone only apps? Do ipods have facetime for instance ?
Aaron O'Leary
A welcome update to the processor but is there really that much demand still for these?
Batsirai Chada
Must be a lot to announce at WDCX that they had to release these and the Macbook Pro refresh early...
Elise Olson
so what are all of the updated features of the new one because I think the old ones were awesome!
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Minor upgrade -- a 2016 chip set -- after 7 years since last iteration... U$600. Total pisstake to see if the market falls for it because.. Apple profits come first. It used to be an iconic product when it was first launched and saved a static industry that presently relies on streaming. Ain't no kids on the advertising strategy and that argument doesn't fly at all. High quality uselessness, cheap to produce and obscene profit margins. Nope.