Kevin William David

Mockup Generator - Create attractive product screenshots with just a few clicks


Mockup Generator is a DIY tool to create attractive product screenshots. With this tool, you can choose suitable mockup template/image, add text, background and other graphics to download the mockup in highest resolution.

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Neetu Singh
Hi everyone A year ago we launched AppLaunchpad first version on Product Hunt and got an overwhelming response. We are happy to share that as of today we have 30000+ Apps with 1,000,000+ app screenshot downloads. Today we're excited to share that we are adding a new product to AppLaunchpad i.e Mockup Generator. Mockup Generator is a DIY tool to create attractive product screenshots. Difference between our tool and other mockup generators (1) Here you can add text, background, graphics and upload images like product logo to explain your product more accurately. (2) In here you can create your own templates by adding devices of your choice just by selecting from the list. (3) We have 1000+ Templates which you can use and download in highest resolution 3300 X 2475. *** AppLaunchpad- Mockup Generator is 100% Free for first month *** Would love to hear your thoughts!
Krishna De
@neetusingh1791 This looks great - FYI I looked to create an account using an email and it does not seem to work - assuming we have to create an account to take advantage of the month free trial? I am working on Firefox
Neetu Singh
@krishnade can you please send an email to with the details. The team will help you to proceed.
Shruti Kaushik
It's really awesome. I see that this offers some great features like further editing of the template. This makes it fit for so many use cases. Few things, - The selected template doesn't scroll so I can see only a part of it and when I try to upload an image, again, I can only see a part of the buttons. Luckily, I clicked on the right one. - I'm unable to click on the tabs 'Device' and 'Mockup', not sure what's there but curious. - The Windows mockups have UI issues. - Personally, I feel that the overall UX could be better too.
Kamal Kant
Hey, @shrutikaushikit thanks for the feedback. Can you let me know the device & browser you are working with? We'll fix it right away.
Kamal Kant
@shrutikaushikit Thanks for reporting it, we have made the necessary changes. And as per your 1st issue, you might have zoomed in the screen (more than 100%). We are continuously working on the UX to make it better.
Shruti Kaushik
@kkkosariya Yeah I see everything's fixed. :) The first one still persists though. My screen is exactly on 100% but I won't bother you guys with it. :D Just reported my observation.
Kamal Kant
@shrutikaushikit yes we are working on the UX. If you find any other bug or have any feedback please drop me a mail at kamalk[at]
Kevin William David
Hey, great product. Adding Text & graphics is really cool. But I can't see iPhone X mockups are you going to add it soon?
Kamal Kant
Thanks for the feedback @kwdinc. Yes, we will add it soon.
Ranjan Singh
I have been using AppLaunchpad for the Google Play screenshots. Mockup Generator looks very interesting. Ability to add devices on demand is awesome. Looking to explore more. A question though, can you resize the mockups to be suitable for social share like Facebook, Instagram?
Neetu Singh
@ranjan4816 Thanks for the good words. Also good suggestion we will see how many requests do we get for the same feature and we will work accordingly. Btw did you get a chance to look into our features and what's your thought about the feature where you can create your own mockup from scratch?
Kamal Kant
Hi everyone! Thanks to @kwdinc for supporting our launch. πŸš€ AppLaunchpad- Mockup Generator is complete DIY with Canva like features. The images can be used for social media, Billboards, websites etc. Of course, this is just the start, we have a ton of new features coming up. If you find any bug or have any feedback reach us directly at
Congrats on the launch @neetusingh1791 and @kkkosariya! This looks great and very easy to use :) Can't wait to try it out πŸ™ BTW, I'm hosting a hacknight later on this month in Bangalore for Product Hunt's Hackathon, so if you'd like to join us, let me know πŸ˜„
Kamal Kant
Hey, @amrith I am looking forward to your feedback. Hacknight sounds good, why don't we talk more about it in messenger. πŸ™‚

Generally i like it this program




capture image from url or website could be interesting

Shirish Mishra
A very useful product. Eases my work a lot. Also, love the extensive collection of templates. Highly recommended!
Neetu Singh
@_shirishmishra Thanku for your kind words.
Beth Fiedler
Congrats Neetu and Kamal! Definitely come in handy for my product launch. Thank you. Hope you don't mind a few suggestions. 1) Create an account: Give a hint on the password (didn't work when I used small letters only and I figured it out myself) 2) Appreciate simplified UI. For example, after clicking "Upload Image(s)", why do users need to choose "Image1" and 3) Pricing link is broken
Beth Fiedler
@neetusingh1791 Sharing an update after using your masterpiece. Like Like Like πŸ‘ŠπŸ’―. Now I understand why having Image 1 and Image 2 choices because your templates accommodate multiple photos. My bad. Notice pricing link is fixed and appreciate very much a free option for startups. Hey, I created some and will use them for my launch here. Big Big Thank You again! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
Neetu Singh
@belecona Your words made my day. Thanks! πŸ™. As per your first issue if you hover over the password field it will give you hint for creating an eligible password. Also, we have noted down your feedback and our team will work on it ASAP.
Beth Fiedler
@neetusingh1791 All good here Neetu. I'd like to point out that templates/photos created under the Free plan don't have any watermarks. Very nice of you!! πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―
Kamal Kant
@belecona Thanks, Beth. If you find the product useful please spread the word to your friends as well. πŸ¦„

By customization on dont mean pure aesthetics, I mean the ability to use the tool as a way to create app store submission packages that really work. The dashboard is still buggy, doesn't behave well in Chrome and most of the time just reloads the homepage when you try and filter by platform.


Great potential.


Still lacks customization for App Store Submission Packages.

Inso Sameer

Certainly helped in creating mockups for campaigns


very handy tool, saves time


More options specifically image overlaps

Tyler Swartz
This looks great! One of the pains of making apps is the scramble at the end to ship it and have all the screenshots look nice
Kamal Kant
@tylerswartz Thanks for your kind words. I guess you will find Applaunchpad- Screenshot Builder for App Store/Google Play helpful as well. You can get it here:
Neetu Singh
@tylerswartz couldn’t agree more. We hope this product could solve your problem. Also we would love to know your thoughts once you use it for your product.
What might be interesting is if users wanted to do a visual similarity search - upload a mockup or product image they like, and have Mockup Generator suggest similar images. You can implement it in about an hour with Tagbox:
Kamal Kant
@machineboxio Looks like a smart suggestion. I'll definitely check it out. Thank you ✌️.
Ravi K
Hey nice product @neetusingh1791 & @kkkosariya. Its a nightmare to create mockup images in Sketch or Photoshop. AppLaunchpad looks like a lifesaver here. But I was trying the tool & got a question, I am not able to add devices on an image template. Is there any particular reason for that?
Neetu Singh
@rkant7 Appreciate that you liked the product. As for your question, adding an external device on an image template was not fitting it well so didn't see the point of giving this feature. Hope it answers your question.
Shashwat Pradhan
Definitely going to try it out with my next app launch.
Kamal Kant
Thanks @shashwatpradhan, let us know your feedback.
Akshay Kadam(A2K)
Great job @neetusingh1791 & @kkkosariya. The mockups are great. But the website always takes me to the top when I click a iPhone or iPad column. Rest is great.
Kamal Kant
@deadcoder0904 Yes, because those are acting as an individual link. BTW I have noted down this point, will fix it soon. Thanks for pointing it out. πŸ‘
Maria Hoffmeister

I have not used it myself (not applicable) but I see this as a great tool for content creators like bloggers, teachers, trainers, developers,... whose audience is typically using these devices.


Great variety of templates, especially where de device is shown "in use"., ande of sizes and angles


Right away (and not having used it myself) I don't see cons.

Diego Fiorentin

Its a great idea.

very good MVP.

Waiting to see more iterations of this product.


Free, easy to use, very useful app to create a landing page


the app is still slow and a bit buggy.

LukΓ‘Ε‘ ZajΓ­c
Looks great guys, you could have only avoided stealing the tagline... Your β€œCreate quality product mockups with just a few clicks, for free” sounds kind of similar to our β€œCreate product screenshots with just a few clicks, for free!” from Smartmockups πŸ˜„πŸ‘Œ
Neetu Singh
@iamlukaszajic thanks for your kind words and yea I could see some similarity but it was merely a coincidence.
Kamal Kant
@lisadziuba Thanks for your kind words. ✌️ If you have any feedback feel free to email me directly at