Tristan Pollock

Apphive - Code-free mobile app builder

Apphive is a mobile app builder that allows you to create mobile apps without any code knowledge. Just drag and drop components like Database, GPS, Camera, and Geolocation.

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Fernando Mendoza Galvez
Facebook login is not working
Max Drake
Hi, I'm still waiting for someone how to tell me to use the app. I found the AppHive on Google Play but it wont let me log into my google account (where I made an app to test on a mobile device). You have 14 videos on YouTube and NOT ONE shows how, after making the app, you deploy it. Come on team, this looks a great product, you are letting yourselves down here. The last time I posted something I got a questionnaire, that was fine, I filled it in, but still not anywhere can I see some instructions on how you get your built app to the mobile phone in a manner that works for testing.
Valeria Arellano

Totally recomended.


Its a great oppotunity to validate fast and cheap our innovations.


Maybe you could find in some big corporates great and important clients.

Rogerio Canales

I had the opportunity to see the evolution of Apphive from their initial stages and I can see they have done a wonderful job developing this tool that can help countless other entrepreneurs!


Approve is the ideal tool for entrepreneurs that would like to launch an app but would like to test the market before development.


Its not a development tool, but a market testing tool.

Luis Villarreal Castilla

I would definitely recommend Apphive to someone starting out.


Pretty easy to build apps hybdrid apps, very fast, very lean.


Limited to core functionallity.

Tilman Burfeind

I really like the idea!


Will help small companies a lot


In the future things like api support will be useful

Hamed Safi
It's great! Love the functionality. Looking forward to see more practical templates!
Brends Liliana
Hi @hamed_safi Glad to hear it. Yes, We are planing to publish weekly templates to help you get started.
Frances Hale
Cool for beginners! Is it free?
Max Drake

Have asked twice for some explanation on its use. All I got was a questionnaire on what I thought of the product. All a bit backwards so far.


looks versatile


no instructions on how to use it or deploy for testing. So cannot use. Looks pretty but doesn't work

Raptor Fox
They are not upfront with Terms of Service, Usage, or Content ownership
Tristan Pollock
Super slick app builder. I've seen this before, but like their approach.
Mopet Project
I consider ir an excellent tool. I'm anxious to use it.
Ben Potter
How will this be monetized?
Brends Liliana
Hi @bpmct You can create and test your application for free, but in order to publish it to the stores you must have a premium account with Us.
jill johnn saavedra perez
Buena tardes, les comento que soy nuevo en esta plataforma que me parece genial, pero por favor necesito sus apoyo ya que estoy he creando mi primer proyecto y me sale al final un error de "UY! Algo salió mal", pero no sé si se debe de explorador google chrome que esto usando. Alguién me da una mano por favor. PD: Este error me da ya una vez creado el proyecto, de hecho ya estuve explorando algunas opciones, pero de pronto salí del proyecto como tal complétamente, pero luego intenté ingresar clickeando al proyecto y, es allí donde me muestra el error. Gracias y Saludos.
Gadgets FortheTime
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to your home
al momento de darle a comenzar me lleva a una nueva pestaña y se queda en blanco estoy trabajando con una mac
to your home
que puedo hacer me llamo mucho la atenciòn apphive