API based Rewards and  Promotion Engine
API based promotion engine for personalised pricing
Jegan Siva

stack.promo — API based rewards and promotion engine

We are building scalable promotions engine which businesses integrate with to provide a personalised shopping experience to customers.
Our APIs are available here https://stack.promo/api/index.html and guide is here https://stack.promo/how-it-works.html
Jegan Siva
Hi PH, It feels awesome to launch on product hunt. When I was running my previous payments company, we were always scrambling to build new promotions, for example, Signup Bonus, Loyalty Boost on Exchange rate, No Fee Transfer, etc. We would spend more time tuning our promotion engine than our product. We had searched for a system which would maintain the lifecycle of the promotion but there wasn't any. Hence we decided to build stack.promo stack.promo is an API based promotion engine which can integrate with existing websites to offer personalized promotions and pricing to customers. The website link is here (https://stack.promo/). We are offering a 2 months free trial for ProductHunt users. If you are a startup, please hit us up and we will offer a free account. Please feel free to DM us on twitter (https://twitter.com/stack_promo) or comment below for any questions. We'd love to get some feedback. Thanks everyone