Ilya Gelfenbeyn

API.AI for Google Assistant - Build conversation actions for Google Home and more

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Ilya Gelfenbeyn
Check out this incredible implementation done with -
Daveyon Mayne
@gelfenbeyn what's the road map? No one seems to reply to issues found. I uses it and loves it very much.
Ilya Gelfenbeyn
Happy to announce API.AI integration with Google Assistant! You can now build and submit your Conversation Actions for Google Home and, in future, other places where Google Assistant is available - Pixel, Allo, etc. Your feedback is highly appreciated!
Alexander Khanukov
@gelfenbeyn Congrats and nice work! Can't wait to start integrating it. I love the cross-channel, cross-device capabilities and all of the new opportunities to be unlocked with consumer and enterprise IoT and messaging as well. Add to that Slack's partnership with Google which should provide for interesting match-ups with Microsoft's stack and offerings. Hope to see it in #botkit as well! I look forward to what you and your team having cooking!
Jozef Maxted
Yes been waiting for this! This is a way nicer experience for developers, than creating skills for the Echo.
Hossein Panahi
API.AI was one of my favorites from the beginning. Congrats on the launch of Google Assistant integration.
Samuel Roy
Good product but pay attention at their pricing plan. They have a free tier with an average of 1 query per second or 60 queries per minute. From my point of view it's very low. If you need more, it's 5000$/month... In other words, Startups, invest your time in another NLP! From my discussion with them, they might change their pricing plan again in early 2017 to support SMBs. I really doubt anything good will come out from this.
Ilya Gelfenbeyn
@samuelroy_ this is not really accurate. First, there is no strict qps limitation - we just ask to notify us if you are going to get more than that to make sure we have enough resources allocated for your product. paid plans are for enterprise-like customers who need active support and signed SLA. 2017 change is designed to make even this enterprise plan more open.
Venkat  Korvi
@gelfenbeyn how would you differentiate between and Amazon Lex. Why would we pick It still seems like an external project outside of google cloud offerings. Is there a reason for that.
Ilya Gelfenbeyn
@venkatkorvi my answer is to try it and see the difference :) reason to seem external is that we are targeting all the platforms and products, not just Google's
Samuel Roy
@gelfenbeyn We have been hit by your "no strict qps limitation". There is no monitoring usage on your dashboard, so no way to check our usage. We have been handling less than 100 users per day (50 on average) Now we have to develop our own tool to check how many requests we are sending to your endpoint and check by ourselves if there is no bug on API.AI side. Not that we don't want to pay something, we want. Your team hasn't even proposed a solution: use our api less, pay 5000$/month or wait for 2017. To me, it just seems that, as a startup or SMB, API.AI doesn't care. Fair enough but you should be clear about this.
Ilya Gelfenbeyn
@samuelroy_ So what stops you from using the free version? :) why do you want to pay?
Abhilash Jain
This is great :) the video is very well detailed, double thumbs up :)
I had the opportunity to evaluate few months ago when we were building auto responders to a conversation initiated by customers on our site. It lacked few features our product team was interested in SMS space and we had to go with another vendor. However I shud say that was a great product quality wise. Their api was clean and simple.
Wilhem Pujar
Cool. Looks (a lot) like a Google version of, a french startup that was quickly bought by Facebook. This one can leverage an interesting ecosystem of hardware products though... (See what I mean, Mark?)
Andrea Hill
Oooh, a colleague mentioned this a few weeks ago (maybe speculation, or maybe he knew something?) Super excited to see this official announcement!
Igor Gabrielan
I am selling domain names,,, and other.. (Нужны деньги на отмечание Нового Года :) )
Tony Brix
Just made my first profile bot :) just ask Google Home to speak to Tony Brix (still under review, but should be deployed soon). It was easier than I thought it would be.
Woo Ee
This product was superseded by
Himanshu Mayank
This is great 👍