Hey everyone! We are super happy to be featured on Product Hunt today! Big thanks to @__tosh for the hunt! :) My name is Daniel and I’m the CTO at Anyline!
Anyline is a mobile OCR (Optical Character Recognition) SDK, which can be implemented in any kind of mobile application. We have been working hard for the past years to enable developers the recognition of a variety of text, codes and numbers for their mobile app use cases! We’d love to hear your opinion, questions and feedback on Anyline! :)
>> Today and the whole rest of the week, we are giving away a 10% voucher on the Anyline Do It Yourself Basic Edition which is perfect for Startups & SMEs, looking for the perfect, easy & customizable OCR solution! (voucher code: ScanAllTheThings!) <<
Looking forward to hear your feedback! :)
Hi Kevin! Thanks a lot for your question!
Actually we took a different approach with our Anyline SDK. The scanning happens in the video stream and without snapping a picture. Through processing video frames the SDK tries to extract the text more or less in real-time. Therefore the result can be more accurate as the SDK compares results from single frames (aka pictures) with each other and gives back the result with a higher confidence.
All of this happens within milliseconds as the processing stays directly on the device.
Hey @reiter_jakob ! Great question, thank you! :) Anyline does not need a server connection in order to process the images. It works completely offline on the device! This means you receive instant feedback while scanning and a close-to-real-time result! :)
Hey @stefanraffeiner ! Of course the SDK works better on new or high-end devices but we support Android back to Android 4.0.3 ! On old devices with a slow hardware it could take longer for the result, but if the device's camera works properly, you will definitely get a scan result!
Hi Rod! Great question - as we've put a lot of time into finding the right approach, this is definitely one of my favorite questions!
We started with well-known Computer Vision and Text Recognition algorithms: openCV & Tesseract which we enhanced with our own pre-processing technology. By now we also made a free Open-Source Tool for developers who want to use Tesseract (it got also hunted a few months ago: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Throughout the last year though, we put a lot of effort into using Deep Learning on mobile devices. The challenge definitely was to make Deep Learning frameworks run efficient and fast without adding lots of MB to the apps. Currently we're using TensorFlow and a see great results in accuracy.
Hi @pstoellberger! Thanks for the question and glad to hear you already had a look into our example implementations!
The main reason for the guiding cutout actually is UX. We saw that humans struggle with aligning the camera with the information they would like to scan. You would be able to scan anywhere in the camera view - you can tweak the cutout and customise without problems. Our documentation shows the options you have and guides you through it!
Hi @3x14159265, I thought you would come up with a bot question ;)
At the moment Anyline does not work within Chatbots. Our offline focus keeps us from the possibility to integrate it, but in the future we're definitely planning on making this happen!
Hi @bernischaffer ! Thank you for the question! :)
The Anyline® SDK covers many more use cases and can add value in several industries. First of all we have several fixed modules for very specific use cases (Meter scanning for Energy, MRZ scanning for IDs and Passports and Visas) which can be integrated into your app out-of-the-box. Additionally we have our Anyline Do It Yourself OCR Module, which is fully customisable. Developers can create their own use cases, which we do not limit (unlike Microblink), but also it allows Anyline to react quickly to customer requests. Further we have transparent pricing models, which can be found on our website! (https://www.anyline.io/pricing/) I hope this answers your question! :)
Hi @fiessedouard ! Thank you for the question! :) Well we currently officially support any language written with latin characters. Everything with special characters is tricky but we are definitely working on it!
Been looking for an OCR mobile solution for 7-Segment text for a long time. I got all excited about this one.... but it didn't work that very first time I tried it. The other types of scanning are nice, though.
Hi @ken_katschke ! 7 segment digits should usually work! In which mode did you try it? Maybe you could write our support team (support@anyline.io) and they will guide you through it step by step!
@ken_katschke well the heat meter mode is configured for scanning heat meters only. You could try it with the Digital Meter Mode. Best way again would be for you to write us a mail with more info and our support team will definitely help you! :)
We've been looking for a reliable seven-segment OCR SDK for a very long time. Unfortunately, Anyline failed our very first test. Seven-segment continues to be the bane of OCR. We'll keep an eye on the product though. Would love to use it some day.
Hi @dustinlocke ! Like i mentioned above ☝️, 7 segment digit OCR should usually work with Anyline! You can also write our support team (support@anyline.io) and they will gladly listen to your feedback and help you! :)
Phew. 125 € per platform per month will certainly cut out some uses (which doesn't mean it's the wrong price, just means there are apps I wouldn't use it for).
Hey @lemayjoe ! Being able to recognize handwritten text requires a different kind of font training. Right now we are focusing on the recognition of machine readable font! The vision of Anyline is though, to scan anything possible, so we might shift our focus on hand writing in the future :)
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