A reaction button for the web (pre-launch)
Antenna for Ecommerce — Move beyond star ratings. Let shoppers be expressive.

Nobody says, "I love this, it's 5 stars!" They say WHY they like a product or brand. Antenna captures (and distributes) the WHY.

Hello, Product Hunt! We want to make the web more expressive, with just a tap. (I'm the founder.) In ecommerce, we help stores and brands move beyond star ratings, which look like math but are really just opinions forced into a number. Antenna lets people give brief, descriptive responses about products and brands to help other shoppers decide if something is a fit for them. How? Antenna lets you prompt shoppers to say why there are interested, or what they thought, about your products and brand. You set the questions and default responses, and people respond in a tap. You can also allow custom responses (Shopify users: this is coming soon). We've seen in 6 months of beta testing with 12 stores and 300,000 unique shoppers that stores with Antenna see an average conversion lift of 32% over 90 days. Our app is free! We are in beta with some slick, unique distribution tools which will be widely available soon, too. Learn more: - -