Anomm is a free service to deliver anonymous messages directly to your telegram 🚀 via bot. this can be integrated anywhere âš¡ community reviews, confession pages, personal thoughts and a lot more ðŸ’
Anomm is a service to deliver anonymous messages from a web based link (dynamic for each user) to a Telegram bot.
This is also open source ,available at:
How to use it🤔
1. Go to and click on Get Started
2. It will say you to Open your Telegram app and search for @anomm_bot
3. Send /start to the bot
4. On website follow the steps and Enter your Telegram username (without @), and click on Continue
5. It will generate a link for you (that will also be sent on your telegram via message), copy it and share it with the person you want to get messages from.
6.The person who receives the link can send messages to the bot and you will receive them on your Telegram account.
7. You can add this at community forms to get reviews,suggestions, etc. There is a lot more you can do with this. Just your creativity is the limit.
Feel free to contribute in this project on githubâš¡. add much more widgets, pages, etc. to make it more user friendly.